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I don't think Kaka will stay till 2011. He's 25 now and will be 29 then. I don't think Real will still be interested in him at that age. In all honesty he'll probably move from us two seasons from now. By then hopefully we would have groomed a replacement for him.
I'm getting fed up with the Kaka to Real stories---especially when they are reported on our own official website!!
I have been saying it all along that it takes two hands to clap----yes, Real are interested in Kaka, yes Calderon and Mijatovic are lowlife scumbagstake player tapping to a new level, but if there was no reciprocal interest from Kaka, then this whole thing would have ended long ago. It is obvious that Kaka is still considering Real Madrid, and I cannot figure out why---he's just won the UCL with us, he is a god at Milan, we have taken him from a hot prospect to a golden ball winner, he is a guaranteed starter, we are the number 1 club in Europe at present---then why despite all of this is he still considering Real Madrid.
I don't think Kaka will stay till 2011. He's 25 now and will be 29 then. I don't think Real will still be interested in him at that age. In all honesty he'll probably move from us two seasons from now. By then hopefully we would have groomed a replacement for him.
why move from us two seasons from now? Milan can afford raising his salary to match the best salaries from Italy and Spain. Real are not a threat, they can bugger off knowing they won't get him now
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 01:06
why move from us two seasons from now? Milan can afford raising his salary to match the best salaries from Italy and Spain. Real are not a threat, they can bugger off knowing they won't get him now
Plus a lot can change by then. Real may not need a playmaker...Kaka may decide to stay football you never know.
is it official Ibrahim BA joins milan??? until i read it in milan official website, i refuse to believe it. i hope milan dont sign Ronaldinho, there is no doubt he is great player, but his transfer price 70m pounds(at least it is reported by media) is ridiculous, not even pele or maradona is worthy of that sum of money. An expensive transfer market campaign does not always translate to successful season!!! i think Fabrizio Miccoli will be great for us.
as for the spanish clubs have advantage over italian clubs in term of financial policy where players pocket 25% more in spain, i really hope milan sign players who really want to play for milan not just because we offer them more money. No players in this world is worth milan's excessive begging to join or stay with them.
in ideal world, i still wish milan is the club consist of at least 70% italian players in the squad! i value loyalty as domestic players tend to be more loyal. Of course they must be worthy of milan shirt too!
I don't think Kaka will stay till 2011. He's 25 now and will be 29 then. I don't think Real will still be interested in him at that age. In all honesty he'll probably move from us two seasons from now. By then hopefully we would have groomed a replacement for him.
why do we have to sell Kaka? What about keeping him until the end of his career?
yeah i like it but i'll still pretend as if i hadnt see that report, so if Sheva doesn't come I wont be disappointed.. Sheva coming back would be like returning with your ex-gf who is also your soul-mate. It'll always feel great to be back with her no matter if she cheated on you or whatever (makes sense? :P). I'd love to have him back, but if that was in the expense of a younger, faster, dominant striker then I'd say no.
Thinking about you can choose between 2 girls, ex and new.
The new one is 5-6 year younger, being successful
The ex is 31 years old, being down on her career.
And talking about girl only, if the feeling to 2 girl is the same, I would choose the new one, since I have "discovered" the ex :bri:
16-06-2007, 03:13
I love this guy !!!!!
Contatto tra il Real Madrid ed il padre di Kakà. L'offerta non ha convinto il brasiliano a cambiare squadra: "Ora basta! Ho deciso, resto al Milan".
Tra le promesse rossonere c'è l'ingaggio del fratello Digao.
(Corriere dello Sport)
We are also giving up on Emerson because of all the things that are happening between Milan and Real madrid.
Good morning shiny Madrid haters people ! :)
About our Golden Boy... Kaka' and his father knew about Madrid managment coming to visit them and they approved the meeting, no matter what they say. You cant just fly from Spain to Italy and ring on someone's doors and say: " hello, we are from Real Madrid, is llittle Kaka' or his father at home? "
Im 100% certain that in the next 2 years Kaka' will still be a Milan player but im not sure he'll finish his career in here. After all , he said numerous times that as a child he supported Real Madrid, and if his wish by the end of his career ( lets say in 2011 ) will be to play for Real Madrid, we should let him and make him a spectaculy farewell ( then he'll decide to stay of course :grinser: =
And yes, we should break off all the negotiations with Merda Madrid and sign Makelele as I've seen yesterday on TG24. Also, Galliani and Berlusconi confirmed 80% chances of bringing Sheva back and also an offer for Ronaldinho wasnt denied. :diablo:
And this is a quote from some guy on calciomercato:
I think you'll understand, hahaha!
Has Barusso officially joined Roma yet? I'm absolutely seething about this!
Graeme C
16-06-2007, 06:19
Has Barusso officially joined Roma yet? I'm absolutely seething about this!
nothings offical yet, apparently Roma want a 50 % share in the player, while Rimini want to sell him completely so maybe there is still hope?
i have to agree i wouldnt deal with Real for anything, but with Emerson out the way, and Barusso near roma who else is there?
Donati could be a option? roma wont sell De rossi.. its tricky..
nothing serious but just for kicks....
Dr Milano
16-06-2007, 06:41
I hate real madrid ... they can just f off .... kaka is ours and im delighted that were not gonna negotiate with them on any player .... incoming or outgoing
Great stuff ... i hope they learn a lesson from this ... :5ok:
Graeme C
16-06-2007, 07:41
Henry stalls Sheva return Saturday 16 June, 2007 channel4
Milan’s players do not want Andriy Shevchenko back, so the race for Thierry Henry is back on, according to reports.
President Silvio Berlusconi has long been sponsoring the return of Sheva from Chelsea and this week said the likelihood of this being achieved was “at 80 per cent.”
However, newspaper ‘Il Giornale’ claims this morning that both Coach Carlo Ancelotti and the squad are unhappy with the idea.
Above all Paolo Maldini, Gennaro Gattuso and Clarence Seedorf do not believe he should be welcomed back with open arms so soon after demanding a transfer to Stamford Bridge.
There are also issues over the price-tag, as Chelsea demand no less than £20m – which would already be a £10m loss on the money they paid only 12 months ago – but the Rossoneri won’t go above £6.7m for a one or two-year loan deal.
With Samuel Eto’o eager to stay at Barcelona – or join rivals Inter – Milan are instead turning their attention back to Arsenal’s want-away star Henry.
Reports of a deal with Barcelona have been denied by all the parties involved, so the Frenchman is still on the market.
Coach Ancelotti namechecked Henry as “one of the players we are very interested in” and he could be convinced by the opportunity to play alongside Ronaldo and Kaka.
Meanwhile, ‘Il Giornale’ also states that the negotiations for Edmilson have been abandoned so that Yoann Gourcuff can be given more space in midfield next season
16-06-2007, 08:56
Has Barusso officially joined Roma yet? I'm absolutely seething about this!
what Graeme said although I read that they have reached an agreement and Roma will buy half of Barusso for 2 mil euros and his salary would be 300,000 euros/year - they don't seem to be very convinced about him and there are some question marks about how he's recovered from that serious injury he got, which cost him almost the entire season (he played in only the first 7-8 games this last year for Rimini, I think).
even if Roma and Rimini have agreed on a deal, Barusso is still not entirely lost as Rimini would still have half of his rights.
The Rimini sports director also said that Milan had shown very serious interest in the past, before the injury and the two clubs had actually reached an agreement - between 4.2 and 4.8 mil + coownership of Digao (kaka's brother) and some other Milan youngster - but that injury broke things off and, he said, Milan had not shown interest lately ... so, it's not really that Roma is stealing him from under our noses but most probably Milan are having some big doubts about the guy, not that Roma is all convinced on him given that thwy don't even wanna buy all his rights but just 50%.
So what do you guys think of Makelele move? If we are to break off the negotiations with Madrid. Or, should we, as channel4 said, give extra space to Gourcuff?
Maybe Yoann can get his space and we still sign another midfielder as Makelele, Edmilson...
16-06-2007, 09:09
until Galliani says that we are out of the Emerson, proposed, move, I would still consider him as first choice ... and frankly would prefer Emerson over Makelele, mostly the age factor, and even Edmilson, no serie A experience, while Emrson has been a rock for both Juve and Roma and I am sure Milan will get him back to his best.
if we are in search of an experienced CM, I think Emerson is the best choice for us, although I would prefer that he is joined by a younger player, who would come in place of Brocchi, maybe on his way to Torino.
I like the idea of not doin biz with real but they could have been useful to us. firstly, i remember that they valued oliveira, who is stuck on our bench. Secondly, emerson would be perfect for us. i think oliveria for cassano+rights to emerson would have been a fantastic deal. Also, we cant do nothing about this kaka situation, its not them, its him. Be realistic, if ronaldinho told Berlusconi that he was willing to come, berlusconi would take the first plane to his house. Frankly, i see him walkin along the same path as sheva, and maybe as soon as next yr. we may have rights over his body, but his heart isnt for sale. anyway that piece of bizness with real could set up this situation for our attack and middlefield.
ronaldo( inzaghi, gila)------roni/etoo/henry(cassano)
emerson(gorky)-----------pirlo(rosina/ledesma)-------------gattuso(ambro, donati)
that would be a very deep team, and we could rely on the players in brackets to slaughter the weaker serie a sides.
Marca spara: "Per Kakà
pronti 80 milioni"
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Il quotidiano spagnolo pubblica a tutta pagina la mega offerta (la più alta della storia) che Calderon sarebbe pronto a proporre per l'asso del Milan, a cui andrebbero 12 miloni di euro all'anno. E il 100% dei diritti di immagine come non era riuscito a ottenere nemmeno Beckham
In risalto su Marca la super offerta del Real Madrid per Kakà.
MADRID, 16 giugno 2007 - Ormai è un'ossessione. E il quotidiano spagnolo Marca rincara la dose con la super offerta del Real Madrid strillata a tutta pagina. Sì, ormai per il presidente del Real Madrid, Ramon Calderon, Kakà è diventato un'ossessione, nonostante l'ennesimo stop di Adriano Galliani. Secondo Marca sarebbe pronta un'offerta da 80 milioni di euro, ovvero la maggiore somma mai pagata per un calciatore, per portare il rossonero a Madrid.
RECORD ASSOLUTO - Mijatovic e Baldini avrebbero già dato inizio all'offensiva finale, più una guerra giocata sui nervi, mettendo sul piatto la più grossa operazione economica del calcio mondiale. Il Real, inoltre, potrebbe sganciare a Kakà 12 milioni di euro netti l'anno, tre volte di più di quanto lo paga il Milan e più di quanto percepisce Cristiano Ronaldo. Non basta. Nella mega offerta, rientrerebbero pure il 100% dei diritti di immagine, cosa che non era riuscito a ottenere nemmeno David Beckham, oltre il 50% delle nuove entrate per i diritti di immagine relativi a marchi pubblicitari e merchandising con la nuova maglietta, generati dal contratto con il calciatore milanista.
BERLUSCONI E RONALDINHO -Marcaapprofondisce e scrive: l'unico ostacolo alla definizione dell'operazione potrebbe frapporlo il presidente rossonero Silvio Berlusconi se si impegna a tenere Kakà al Milan. Anche se, aggiunge il giornale, potrebbe accontentarsi di portare all'ombra della Madonnina Ronaldinho, "il suo sogno dorato", sottolinea il giornale. Secondo AS, invece, che riferisce fonti dell'emittente nazionale Antena 3, l'offerta sarà formalizzata la prossima settimana e non supererà i 50 milioni di euro, per un contratto di 5 anni a 10 milioni di euro per stagione
So Real is ready to offer 80 mil and 12 mil for Kaka's year wage! huh... Lets just hope Berlusconi will not sell.
16-06-2007, 10:14
same rumour of yesterday with a little reshuffle as fresher bait for the readers - not much dif really than what emerged yesterday, I think, so don't see how Milan's statement "Kaka non si tocca" (don't touch Kaka) will change.
If it was any other club they would probably be tempted by such figures but not Milan, not for a 25 yo Kaka, who is thebest player out there and has a lot left in him.
Quite frankly, I don't think Milan would even consider selling him for even twice that amount - when it comes to Milan, there is a lot more than just doing good business involved with players like Kaka.
Im sure Milan doesnt want to sell, but does Kaka' want to leave - for 12 mil a year. Money makes people go mad, like Sheva did. How much does our golden boy earn in Milan now? DO you know?
why move from us two seasons from now? Milan can afford raising his salary to match the best salaries from Italy and Spain. Real are not a threat, they can bugger off knowing they won't get him now
Kaka dreams of playing for Real Madrid from a little boy, just like many Brazilians. It's just a matter of time before he leaves. Let's just say I don't see Kaka's contract getting renewed any further past 2011. He likes Milan and all but both Kaka and our management know that he wants to go to Madrid sometime. Hopefully after 2011, but probably in 2009/2010.
16-06-2007, 10:46
in that article you posted abive it says - "real are willing to pay him 12 mil, clear (tax-free) per season, which is 3 times what he get at Milan" ... so, I guess he earns around 4 mil/season with us but I would expect that either this ir next season that sum will be raised a lot given that Kaka is no longer one of the best talents around but for many the best player out there.
At the bottom of that same artcle, it say that AS reports that Berlusconi is expected to make an offer for Dinho next week of about 50 mil for Barca and a 5 year contract for the player worth 10 mil/season (hence the 100 mil he said he was willing to invest in Dinho) ... so, I don't see Kaka getting 4 mil for much longer if Milan can afford and are willing to pay 10 mil/seaon to Dinho as I think keeping Kaka would be an even higher priority than getting Dinho ;)
16-06-2007, 10:49
Kaka dreams of playing for Real Madrid from a little boy, just like many Brazilians. It's just a matter of time before he leaves. Let's just say I don't see Kaka's contract getting renewed any further past 2011. He likes Milan and all but both Kaka and our management know that he wants to go to Madrid sometime. Hopefully after 2011, but probably in 2009/2010.
wouldn't pay muvh attention on childhood dreams as a more realistic look on what Real is can change them very quickly ... and there is always the numerous exmples of Real treating it's players like merchandise - Beckham, Ronaldo, etc, etc. ... too many "unhappy" endings to not consider them really well ... and there is always the Sheva debacle to warm him at night when he thinks that leaving Milan would be for his own good and that "change is good"
I don't know, it's just something I feel in my bones. He'll probably tear up Spain too(although we said Sheva would tear up England and look what happened). I'll ask Tony how he dealt with the possibilty and eventual departure of Zizou from Juventus so I'll be able to deal with Kaka going some seasons from now.
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 10:57
in that article you posted abive it says - "real are willing to pay him 12 mil, clear (tax-free) per season, which is 3 times what he get at Milan" ... so, I guess he earns around 4 mil/season with us but I would expect that either this ir next season that sum will be raised a lot given that Kaka is no longer one of the best talents around but for many the best player out there.
At the bottom of that same artcle, it say that AS reports that Berlusconi is expected to make an offer for Dinho next week of about 50 mil for Barca and a 5 year contract for the player worth 10 mil/season (hence the 100 mil he said he was willing to invest in Dinho) ... so, I don't see Kaka getting 4 mil for much longer if Milan can afford and are willing to pay 10 mil/seaon to Dinho as I think keeping Kaka would be an even higher priority than getting Dinho ;)
Again that may be AS's estimation. Maybe Kaka earns more than that. However, I am pretty sure what he earns (or anyone in football IMO) isn't close to the Real Madrid offer (if it's true) cited above.
16-06-2007, 11:02
I don't know, it's just something I feel in my bones. He'll probably tear up Spain too(although we said Sheva would tear up England and look what happened). I'll ask Tony how he dealt with the possibilty and eventual departure of Zizou from Juventus so I'll be able to deal with Kaka going some seasons from now.
I think Desailly said it best when he gave his opinion why Sheva failed in the EPL - one of the things he siad was that "Milan was like a family and a very difficult club to leave" ... players think that leaving Milan would be good for them - new experiences and all that - but once they are out, they realize that few clubs have the environment Milan has.
kaka would be stupid not to consider that ... something Ronaldo and Sheva must have made him aware of already.
I doubt we can draw much parallels with Zidane going to real as Juve (under Moggi) and Milan have always been dif in their transfer philosophy. All it took to get a player away from Juve was to make high-enough an offer and it was done, with milan that's not the case, at least when it comes down to players like Kaka, who are so vital to the club.
Who Ancelotti would take off of the team to put a world class deffend midfield as Edmílson, Emerson or Makelele?
I don´t think those players wanna move from their team to stay in the stool
And I prefer spend money in Shevchenko than Henry or Eto'o
With a good negociation I think Chelsea would let Shevchenko go out for 30 mi or less because he will force it for sure
16-06-2007, 11:12
Again that may be AS's estimation. Maybe Kaka earns more than that. However, I am pretty sure what he earns (or anyone in football IMO) isn't close to the Real Madrid offer (if it's true) cited above.
that was an article in Marca but I think they are pretty close to what the reality is - in Milan, the highest earners get around 6 mil/season (something Galliani has said many time already), which was what Sheva was getting when he left last summer.
kaka, however, before and even after the last revision of his contract was and is not among the very highest earners at Milan - I am basing this on things I have read on, Galliani's words, and the fact that kaka, no matter how good he has been for some time now, until this last season he was seen as a great talent - a player who was still a bit green and still develooping - and was in the shadow of players like Sheva, Maldini, Nesta etc, etc ... an important player at Milan but not "bandiera" as they call them.
It was only this last year, with Sheva gone, that Kaka became like the player-symbol at Milan and the talk about him is no longer "a great talent" but "the best player out there" ... these are the things that make big jumps in a player's salary records.
For the kaka of 05/06 season when the contract was last revised, 4 mil/season were more than enough ... now however, Milan will have to up the ante and it would only be rightly so given that the situation has changed (I am not referring only to Real M's advances), especially if we are ready to pay 10 mil/season to Dinho, and I would expect that he will soon be offered a much improved contract and I doubt he would say no even if it will hardly equal the 12 mil supposedly offered by Real, but would still be a lot higher than the current one.
16-06-2007, 11:17
Who Ancelotti would take off of the team to put a world class deffend midfield as Edmílson, Emerson or Makelele?
I don´t think those players wanna move from their team to stay in the stool
And I prefer spend money in Shevchenko than Henry or Eto'o
With a good negociation I think Chelsea would let Shevchenko go out for 30 mi or less because he will force it for sure
those players are well into their 30s already so it's not like they have loads of options out there - if they wanna keep playing at the very highest level, they would have to make some sacrifices, otherwise I am sure Villareal or Samp would be more than happy to offer them first team spots, no matter what ;)
Also, Milan is looking at those players so that more and more rotation is possible and Carlo can avoid playing the same players over and over again given all the games that await us this year - the notion of "starters" and "reserves" will be a little dif if we manage to get a couple of class players as they will get plenty of time rotating with the ones we already have.
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 11:39
that was an article in Marca but I think they are pretty close to what the reality is - in Milan, the highest earners get around 6 mil/season (something Galliani has said many time already), which was what Sheva was getting when he left last summer.
kaka, however, before and even after the last revision of his contract was and is not among the very highest earners at Milan - I am basing this on things I have read on, Galliani's words, and the fact that kaka, no matter how good he has been for some time now, until this last season he was seen as a great talent - a player who was still a bit green and still develooping - and was in the shadow of players like Sheva, Maldini, Nesta etc, etc ... an important player at Milan but not "bandiera" as they call them.
It was only this last year, with Sheva gone, that Kaka became like the player-symbol at Milan and the talk about him is no longer "a great talent" but "the best player out there" ... these are the things that make big jumps in a player's salary records.
For the kaka of 05/06 season when the contract was last revised, 4 mil/season were more than enough ... now however, Milan will have to up the ante and it would only be rightly so given that the situation has changed (I am not referring only to Real M's advances), especially if we are ready to pay 10 mil/season to Dinho, and I would expect that he will soon be offered a much improved contract and I doubt he would say no even if it will hardly equal the 12 mil supposedly offered by Real, but would still be a lot higher than the current one.
I you mean net or gross when you say (or Marca) that Kaka earns 4 mill. I'd assume net? So his gross salary is 8 mill?
16-06-2007, 11:48
I would guess it's net pay but not 100% sure ... it would be way too little to be gross (even if you take Sheva's salary in his last year, which was ~6 mil, I think).
Maybe contracts are negotiated with taxes in mind and the sums mentioned are the nest amount ... just a guess really.
I for one doubt Milan would have a chance with Dinho with only 5 mil net pay per season (assuming that 10 mil was gross pay) given that now at Barca he is getting more than that and it is namely the dif negotiations for his new contract with barca (Dinho asking for 12 reportedly) that are making his move to Milan possible.
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 11:52
I would guess it's net pay but not 100% sure ... it would be way too little to be gross (even if you take Sheva's salary in his last year, which was ~6 mil, I think).
Maybe contracts are negotiated with taxes in mind and the sums mentioned are the nest amount ... just a guess really.
Yeah it has to be net. Otherwise if we were paying Kaka 4 mill gross, that would be a pittance for any player (when you consider what other teams pay). Ancelott's new contract sees him earn 4 million pounds (about 6 million gross).
Marca even says 12 mill net would see Kaka earn thrice as much, so that must mean that Kaka earns 8 million gross (which is a very good salary and very competitive even if you do take the tax rates into account).
I would think Milan would be ready to raise that next year to 10-12 million euros to bring Kaka in line with the bandieri. And then that would mean the difference between what Real have been confirmed to offer yesterday (10 million with Kaka making 7.5 net) would simply mean a difference of 1.5 million net. Not that much, I'd think, especially for a player to switch a country.
However, the 12 million net is insane, and largely speculation. I still don't see Kaka leaving for another 2-3 seasons.
I'll ask Tony how he dealt with the possibilty and eventual departure of Zizou from Juventus so I'll be able to deal with Kaka going some seasons from now.
It was hard to accept, of course, but i think Milan fans experienced similar thing already with Sheva, and both Juve and Milan fans experienced worst things ( relegation to serie B...Milan-Liverpool in 2005)
As for the wages....i think ( i'm not sure at all) that Del Piero with 10m Euro per year is the highest payed player in serie A
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 12:09
As for the wages....i think ( i'm not sure at all) that Del Piero with 10m Euro per year is the highest payed player in serie A
I think Totti earns close to 11 or 12 m euros gross. He earns 74,300 pounds a week (after tax), and is the highest paid player in the country. I read that in World Soccer.
So I guess the highest Milan go is around that figure because I know players like Maldini and Vieri were very close to Del Piero in earning (in a list published in 2005).
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 12:49
The following is from 2005 (all the figures must be in gross). Curiously no Milan players are listed, but I am fairly sure that our players are amongst the best paid in the world. So in conclusion, I think Kaka probably makes 8 million gross at Milan.
English soccer star David Beckham is the highest-paid player in the world, according to a report published in Tuesday's edition of France Football magazine.
The 29-year-old midfielder, who plays in Spain's La Liga (first division) with Real Madrid, makes 6.4 million euros ($10.3 million Cdn) a season. Although that is not soccer's highest yearly wage, the English national team captain pulls in 25 million euros ($40.3 million Cdn) a year thanks to commercial endorsements and image rights.
Beckham's Real Madrid teammates, Brazilian striker Ronaldo (19.6 million euros , $31.6 million Cdn) and Frenchman Zinedine Zidane (13 million euros, $30 million Cdn), rank second and third on the annual rich list, respectively.
Michael Owen, Ronaldo and David Beckham. (AP/Alvaro Barrientos)
Michael Owen, Ronaldo and David Beckham. (AP/Alvaro Barrientos)
Coming in fourth and fifth are a pair of Italian players: Inter Milan striker Christian Vieri, 12 million euros ($19.4 million Cdn), and Alessandro Del Piero of Juventus, at 9.5 million euros ($15.3 million Cdn).
Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard earns the highest annual wage in soccer, 7.6 million euros ($12.3 million Cdn) a season, but limited endorsements mean his overall income is 9.4 million euros ($15.2 million Cdn), good enough for only sixth on the list.
Real Madrid striker Raul (9.3 million euros, $15 million Cdn), French forward Thierry Henry of Arsenal (9.2 million euros, $14.9 million Cdn), English defender John Terry of Chelsea (8.6 million euros, $14 million Cdn), and Portuguese midfielder Luis Figo of Real Madrid (8.5 million euros, $13.8 million Cdn) round out the top 10.
France Football is a bi-weekly magazine that covers soccer from all over the globe and is considered one of the most reputed sports publications in Europe.
16-06-2007, 13:06
According to, Kaka' would like to see sheva back. So if sheva were to come, Kaka' would stay for sure, otherwise he wouldnt "sponsor" sheva's arrival. ( )
Many are saying that in spain they earn 25% more. actually for the same salary, a spanish league player earns 50% more than a serie a player. If the gross salary is 10m euro's, in spain he earns 7.5m and in Italy he earns 5m...... 50% more in spain. It is however, 25 percent points more.
Also, one question: why is milan interested in mediano/defensive midfielder? We have gattuso and ambrosini. If we get a new striker, we will go back to the 4-3-1-2 formation, so gattuso and ambro cant play simultaneously. We also have brocchi, although rumors say he will be sold.
Cant wait for La Liga to finish so we actually see some action by Galliani....
16-06-2007, 15:30
mrki, then you will be disappointed if you expect any action on the market soon! i reckon we'll sign a player by mid-july and another by mid-august.. but hey im a pessimist so who knows maybe galliani will sign 6 players next week
Im suprised no one mentioned that fene have approached us about Ronaldo, it also says on Channel 4 we shall not sell kaka.
I hope we can tie Kaka to us till he retires.
16-06-2007, 16:35
As soon as la liga is over, im pretty sure milan will start moving in more "official" ways to sign players. Hopefully real madrid will win, so we might be able to sign some barça players. :5ok:
According to Rai-Sport, if Henry signs with barça, either r10 or eto'o will certainly leave - more likely eto'o. They also said milan and inter have the same probabilities of getting him.
I hope we can tie Kaka to us till he retires.
Indeed. But Kaka' is very reliant on speed and acceleration. As has been mentioned before, these players (like eto'o and henry) arent as good when they become old and cant run... do you really expect kaka' to be able to slice through defenses at age 33? However, he is still good for another 5 solid years, and it would be a pity to lose him. apart from the raw talent, he is like the heart (or one of the many hearts :) ) in our team, and will very likely become the heart even more with time.
i'm sorry for going offtopic but does anyone know what does this mean, it's a parole from Livorno supporters (
those players are well into their 30s already so it's not like they have loads of options out there - if they wanna keep playing at the very highest level, they would have to make some sacrifices, otherwise I am sure Villareal or Samp would be more than happy to offer them first team spots, no matter what ;)
Also, Milan is looking at those players so that more and more rotation is possible and Carlo can avoid playing the same players over and over again given all the games that await us this year - the notion of "starters" and "reserves" will be a little dif if we manage to get a couple of class players as they will get plenty of time rotating with the ones we already have.
I tottaly agree with what you said
I just don´t know if Makelele and Edmílson would want to go out of their teams to join another with players as good as they
Emerson don´t seems to be so happy in Real Madrid but I think Juventus and Internazionale will try he too
Emerson don´t seems to be so happy in Real Madrid but I think Juventus and Internazionale will try he too
When one guy from Juve managment ( i don't remember if it was Secco or Cobolli Gigli) was asked about Cannavaro, Emerson and Zambrotta going back to Juve, he said : Emerson and Zambrotta will not be Juve players next season.
He "forgot" to mention Cannavaro's name, so it may be possible Canna to wear black&white again, but i'm absolutly sure Puma and Zambrotta will not go to Juve.
Unless something goes wrong with the medicals, Emerson will be Milan player next year.
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 21:49
Ok, since I have no life, I searched tirelessly for a wage list. I finally found one (bottom of page:
The first column is the base salary in euros. The second column is with endorsements.
So as Zlat mentioned top players in Milan earn 6 million euros. That is a very competitive salary. Taxes in England are 40%. In Italy they are 50%. So Italy and England are at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with Real and Barca.
So Silvio is really in generous mood if he is going to pay Ronaldino a base salary of 10 million (he will also hand over his image rights). That means Real's offer of 10 million would indeed be a lot, and not many players make that kind of money (I think Ballack does).
So take heart, the numbers Real are throwing around are out of touch with reality and definitely not the norm. As such, if we want to retain Kaka's services beyond 2011 or whatever, we would have to offer him something similar. If Silvio is ready to make an economic sacrifice for Ronaldinho, then I am sure he can do it for Kaka. Until then, we will, as Zlat said, bring him in line with our top earners in the team (maybe a bit more).
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 22:49
Milan await Barca duo
Sunday 17 June, 2007
The Spanish season ends tonight and transfer guru Ernesto Bronzetti insists either Ronaldinho or Samuel Eto’o will end up at Milan.
It has been a flop of a campaign for Barcelona, who will lose the title unless Mallorca manage to stop Real Madrid at the Bernabeu, and that could lead to a clear-out.
“It all depends on what happens tonight. The club will decide which of the two will go – Ronaldinho or Eto’o,” said the agent.
The Cameroon international seems to be the favourite to leave at the moment and is tracked by Milan, Inter and Arsenal.
“From what I have heard through friends, if he had to choose then Eto’o would prefer the Rossoneri.”
The reigning European champions are also looking to Spain for a midfield reinforcement, as negotiations with Real Madrid’s Emerson are at an advanced stage.
“They are looking for a forward and a midfielder this summer. For the latter, I think the shortlist is just Emerson and Edmilson. Carlo Ancelotti’s vote could prove decisive here.”
Bronzetti is an agent who specialises in working with the Spanish sides and he gave his view on the seemingly endless quest to bring Kaka to the Bernabeu with the latest offer said to be a staggering £54m.
“Lately the Merengues directors have been promising a great deal without delivering anything. I am more likely to believe the words of Adriano Galliani and Silvio Berlusconi, who continue to assure they won’t release the Brazilian.”
Real Madrid have also put together a contract worth £8m per season and full image rights for Kaka. Will they get what they want?
“I would like to date Monica Bellucci, but I’ve never managed it! Jokes aside, I cannot imagine Kaka going to the club and asking to be sold to the Spaniards. Don’t forget Milan are champions of Europe and top in the UEFA rankings.”
Fabio Capello was on the verge of dismissal many times this season, yet he could be celebrating his second Liga title this evening.
“Everyone here thinks Real have already signed Bernd Schuster for next term, but it would be a mistake to change now that the Italian has had to face up to and surpass every obstacle. If I were Fabio, I’d seriously think about walking away.”
German tactician Schuster is currently in charge of Getafe and is alleged to have signed a pre-contract agreement with Madrid.
16-06-2007, 23:13
If had the 100 mil that Berlu is willing to pay for R10 I would never do it for R10. I would get Eto, we have a player that is better than R10. Thats just wasting money on a player that in two years probably is going to cost 10 mil.
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 23:20
This guy Bronzetti seems he knows what he is talking about. He predicted the Vieri move before any rumour mills got sniff of the transfer. He also accurately commented on the Ronaldo to Milan transfer some months back.
16-06-2007, 23:34
He was the one who orchestrated the Ronaldo move, not predicted it.
Did he really predict the Vieri move? I thought I was the only one! But i still dont think we will end up with any of the Barca players.
Hasan Rossonero
16-06-2007, 23:54
He was the one who orchestrated the Ronaldo move, not predicted it.
Did he really predict the Vieri move? I thought I was the only one! But i still dont think we will end up with any of the Barca players.
Yeah he was the intermediary for the Ronaldo move.
Yeah he predicted the Vieri move; it was truly out of nowhere!
If you thought that we would end up with Barca players, I'd be worried. ;)
17-06-2007, 00:18
If had the 100 mil that Berlu is willing to pay for R10 I would never do it for R10. I would get Eto, we have a player that is better than R10. Thats just wasting money on a player that in two years probably is going to cost 10 mil.
I tend to agree with what you said - Etoo, putting the ? marks on his finishing aside, is the type of player Milan needs more than Dinho, as long as we have Kaka, that is. And Etoo will be considerably cheaper both in terms of transfer fee and salary demands.
Also, bar any internal wars between Dinho and his teammates, Etoo is the more likely of the two to be let go by Barca given that Henry is more or less a direct replacement for Etoo in their current tactical formation.
Selling Dinho, however, would mean that they either have to unerath a player to replace him - not many of those around - or Rijkaard would have to mastermind a dif formation from next season on with Etoo and henry in it, which I somehow don't see happening as Rijkaard, without Ten Cate by his side, doesn't strike me as a master tactician who would risk changing a successful formation only to experiment with a new one, but who knows really ...
What's even worse about getting Dinho now and overpaying heaftily for his serveces is that in a couple of years, Barca will most likely be ready and willing to let him go and we won't have to pay a fortune to claw him out of their hands, provided that Silvio still wants him.
If now even 50 mil might not be quite enough to buy him, in 2 years or so, when he will be 29 yo, his price would probably be less than half that amount.
As for Bronzetti "predicting" transfers, I wouldn't be too awed by that as the guy is in very close relations with Galiani and Milan and is one of their most trusted people when it comes to deals with Spanish clubs and not only - he is something like a "mercato" consultant/advisor so to speak and if he doesn't know what is going on beyond what the papers say, who else would really.
17-06-2007, 01:31
:p155: well sorry zlat...but ur dreams of signinng kieta is over...he signed with lyon..u shud already know..
If we have to buy one of Dinho and Eto'o, I will choose Dinho. We already have 4 strikers, not including Boriello. I don't expect seedorf to play class football next year. Ronaldinho comes and we can play 4-3-2-1 with 2 best AM in the world. And I think Ronaldinho's shirt will be sold faster than Eto'o's.
I dont want us to have any dealings with Madrid and so I've decided I give my vote to Edmilson, who can also play sometimes as a CD, ( not sure how good but...he can play better than Simic, sorry Dario )! The thing that made my day in this Bronzetti interwiew is the comment that if he( Eto'o) has a choice, he would choose rossoneri. And that is a really important thing. Bronzetti is something like Moggi 2. And his connections with Milan are strong. Eto'o is absolutly a brilliant player, and the most important thing is that Carlo asked for him from the tactical point of wiew. If he arrives you'll see how hard this man works in defence faze.
And I found a way to keep Kaka' :) Im sure that in the next 2 years, no matter of Milan's results, Kaka' will stay. For the further future im not so sure... So, in the next 2 years we need to get some great players ( Zambrotta :) ), and win CL twice. That way we will be on no.9 together with Madrid. Yes we are UEFA no.1 team and have most european trophys but all that counts is really a CL cup. :) Then we buy Calderon's son!!! ( if he has one ), and bench him.
Sorry for the double post, but this may be interesting, aldough its from Tribalfootball, the idea is what matters :grinser:
AC Milan in Fiorentina swap talks over Gilardino - June 17, 2007
AC Milan are in player swap talks with Fiorentina over striker Alberto Gilardino.
Florence sources say Fiorentina have upped their bid for Gilardino, after having a £10 million plus Valeri Bojinov offer rejected last week.
The Viola are now offering £12 million cash and Milan are studying the proposal closely. The European champs have asked Fiorentina, however, to include one player from Tomas Ujfalusi, Giampaolo Pazzini and Manuel Pasqual, in their bid.
Milan have also informed Fiorentina they're prepared to send Gilardino to Florence on a year's loan.
The striker's agent, Beppe Bonetto, was in Milan on Saturday for talks with directors about Gila's situation.
It could be fatal to sell Gila and than watch young Italian striker find his form and start scoring for Juve or... Inter! The man has lost his confidence and it can be seen in his every move. In Parma he even passes the ball better, he has fear in his eyes while playing now. The loan to Viola could do him good as that is a strong and attacking minded club where he would play all season long and Milan will still have Pippo-Ronaldo-Eto'o?-Oliveira to play with. Pippo is now injury free and Ronaldo is always Ronaldo. Plus, we can have some advantages over some Fiorentina players like Pasqual who is a VERY GOOD LB and also young and Italian I think. I've seen him in numerous occasions and he always showed to have potential. Has power, cross and can defend.
So what do you guys think?
17-06-2007, 06:15
sems that Gila going to fiorentina
Milan tie down Kaka: contract worth £4.3m until 2012
This is a headline from Corriere dello sport. They say Kaka said NO to £8 Real offered and accepted a wage increase from Milan. Now he'll be getting £4.3 per year.
I don't know how reliable this is !
From the same newspaper :
Mourinho: Sheva’s a slave to his wife!
Dunno if this is conected to Alex, but ...
Chelsea will send Rajkovic on loan to PSV and it may mean they'll take back Alex
17-06-2007, 06:57
:p155: well sorry zlat...but ur dreams of signinng kieta is over...he signed with lyon..u shud already know..
well, he is gone now but Lyon paid much more than I expected it would cost to sign Keita - ~15 mil euros vs ~8mil - so that softened the blow a bit and I can actually sleep :D
as for Kaka, that fairy tale that Marca told 1-2 days ago about Real offering 80 mil to Milan and 12/season to Kaka may have been another shot in the dark 'cause now AS seems to have thrown in a much lower offer for both sides - 50 mil euros to Milan and 8 mil/season for Kaka, which I doubt will make Galliani or Kaka's father in that matter salivate.
at least that's what this is saying:
17-06-2007, 07:02
Dunno if this is conected to Alex, but ...
Chelsea will send Rajkovic on loan to PSV and it may mean they'll take back Alex
I think it's more likely that Chelski are simply using PSV as their "incubator" for players the Londoners can't use right now - better play them and have them gain experience than sit them on the bench.
It still doesn't mean they won't get Alex to SB this summer but my point is that this Raijkovic move would have most probably happened even without Alex in the picture.
Graeme C
17-06-2007, 07:14
pazzini and pasquale + cash for Gila i would consider..
well, he is gone now but Lyon paid much more than I expected it would cost to sign Keita - ~15 mil euros vs ~8mil - so that softened the blow a bit and I can actually sleep :D
as for Kaka, that fairy tale that Marca told 1-2 days ago about Real offering 80 mil to Milan and 12/season to Kaka may have been another shot in the dark 'cause now AS seems to have thrown in a much lower offer for both sides - 50 mil euros to Milan and 8 mil/season for Kaka, which I doubt will make Galliani or Kaka's father in that matter salivate.
at least that's what this is saying:
At least we finally found out how much Kaka earns in Milan :)
6m Eur per year is the maximum Milan players get, and Kaka is one of Milan players who gets this much
Edit : It still is a big difference Zlat.
50% of 6m euro = 3m euro
75% of 8m euro = 6m euro
hey guys, do you know when the schedule for the next season will be announced
thank you
Hasan Rossonero
17-06-2007, 08:18
At least we finally found out how much Kaka earns in Milan :)
6m Eur per year is the maximum Milan players get, and Kaka is one of Milan players who gets this much
Edit : It still is a big difference Zlat.
50% of 6m euro = 3m euro
75% of 8m euro = 6m euro
Yeah for sure it is a big difference. However, that is not to say that Milan won't increase his salary in the future. The 6 million euros thing is not a hard cap. Milan will probably move with the times. For example, the highest earner at Real was Beckham, and he got 4.6 million POUNDS. So this figure that Real are throwing around is a relatively recent development, and not a lot of players make that in the world.
Hasan Rossonero
17-06-2007, 08:29
I tend to agree with what you said - Etoo, putting the ? marks on his finishing aside, is the type of player Milan needs more than Dinho, as long as we have Kaka, that is. And Etoo will be considerably cheaper both in terms of transfer fee and salary demands.
Also, bar any internal wars between Dinho and his teammates, Etoo is the more likely of the two to be let go by Barca given that Henry is more or less a direct replacement for Etoo in their current tactical formation.
Selling Dinho, however, would mean that they either have to unerath a player to replace him - not many of those around - or Rijkaard would have to mastermind a dif formation from next season on with Etoo and henry in it, which I somehow don't see happening as Rijkaard, without Ten Cate by his side, doesn't strike me as a master tactician who would risk changing a successful formation only to experiment with a new one, but who knows really ...
What's even worse about getting Dinho now and overpaying heaftily for his serveces is that in a couple of years, Barca will most likely be ready and willing to let him go and we won't have to pay a fortune to claw him out of their hands, provided that Silvio still wants him.
If now even 50 mil might not be quite enough to buy him, in 2 years or so, when he will be 29 yo, his price would probably be less than half that amount.
As for Bronzetti "predicting" transfers, I wouldn't be too awed by that as the guy is in very close relations with Galiani and Milan and is one of their most trusted people when it comes to deals with Spanish clubs and not only - he is something like a "mercato" consultant/advisor so to speak and if he doesn't know what is going on beyond what the papers say, who else would really.
If we're being pragmatic then Eto'o would be a better signing for us than Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho, however, is a name to get the heart racing.
Also, Barcelona have a ready made replacement for Ronaldinho in Messi. Many experts concur that it would be easier for them to replace Ronaldinho. That doesn't mean they would offload the Brazilian, necessarily, as reasons beyond football always factor in.
As for Bronzetti, I guess you're right. I just thought he was a transfer consultant in general, but he appears to be closer to Milan than it seemed.
Hasan Rossonero
17-06-2007, 08:43
It says that Kaka has told Calderon in so many words to buzz off, and that he wouldn't betray Milan.
It also says that Kaka is among the top earners in the world, but still behind the likes of Ronaldinho, Ibrahimovic, Ballack, Sheva etc. He is, however, ahead of C. Ronaldo.
Anyway, enjoy.
pazzini and pasquale + cash for Gila i would consider..
Pazzini = exactly like Gilardino and he'll have the same problems that Gila has.
17-06-2007, 09:08
If we're being pragmatic then Eto'o would be a better signing for us than Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho, however, is a name to get the heart racing.
true but the question whether Dinho and Kaka would be compatible in the same team not only in terms of tactics but also egos, and more precisely Dinho's ego, still remains - Kaka is increasingly starting to overshadow Dinho's image and I doubt Dinho took well what Dunga said recently on the issue and him taking #10 away from Dinho and giving it to Kaka.
Maybe we could play Dinho as a support striker and not a left attacking mid but for that we'd have to change formations, whith respect to the diamond which has been so successfull for us when we have the proper players for it, and still there will be the risk of two mega-stars not working it out well together.
Of course there is always the chance that etoo won't be the same in italy but the same goes for dinho too with a lot more money at stake in the Brazilian's case.
including salary, Dinho in the next 2-3 years would cost Milan twice what etoo would, while his market value would probably plumet in respect to what it is now.
and then there is the issue of commitment with all the missed trainings, him being involved in too much marketing, which for sure affects his focus on his performances on the field at least to an extent, and I think it's also questionable how Dinho's serenity - and his perfomances depend on that heavily - will be affected with him being second fiddle to kaka, who would be stealing the show at Milan and now Brazil too.
Maybe it would work to have Dinho and Kaka together but the money we have to pay for him right now is a bit too much for a maybe, IMO ... that's why I think we'd better putting off this transfer for another year or two when his pwice will most likely be a lot less than it is now and he would still have some good football left in him.
Also, Barcelona have a ready made replacement for Ronaldinho in Messi. Many experts concur that it would be easier for them to replace Ronaldinho. That doesn't mean they would offload the Brazilian, necessarily, as reasons beyond football always factor in.
I am not sure these experts have thought this one entirely - Messi would replace Dinho but then again who would replace Messi, who in all fairness to his talent, I think is still a bit too green to get all the repsonsibility on his shoulders and needs a more experienced and prominent player to take the pressure off of him, at least for now.
Barca seem to be willing to have two great players on left and right of the single striker and unless Rijkaard is willing to change his formation, I really don't see who they could get to play alongside Messi with Dinho gone.
C.Ronaldo was an option, I guess, but that train is gone for now and so is Anderson, who Barca were rumoured to see Dinho's replacement in him ... Nani is also out of reach now, if they were interested at all.
As for etoo, I think it would be much easier to replace him and still keep the current formation intact by relying on "upgrading" it with some fresh blood rather than revolutionizing and changing it and by doing so, risk destabilizing the harmony between the players and all ... at least that'show I'd expect Rijkaard to be thinking.
That's how I explain Barca big-time interest in Henry - he seems like the perfect replacement for Etoo and would fit staright into their current system without much hassle, at least these are probably their plans for next year.
And there is always one other player who, should their bid for henry fail, will probably be their first choice to replace etoo - F. Torres, who has the characteristics they might be looking for, knows La Liga inside out and has been often rumoured to be on top of the Blaugrana shopping list ... and is available too.
I don't know what will happen in the end but these are my thoughts on this and I think that one of etoo or dinho will leave Barca this summer for sure, but not both, obviously.
Who would that be, I believe will heavily depend not on who Milan is willing to pay more money for but on who Barca deems easier to replace and IMO that's etoo, eventhough Dinho would probably bring a lot more money to the club and they won't have to pay him huge wages ... although I think they would find an agreement eventually.
People. I've just seen PAto play for the first time ( not on highlights ). Its like watchink young Shevachenko with even better skills. Im 100% dead serious, this boy is amazing! I know he is only 17 and it can be seen as he sometimes overplays himself like a child, but his speed, passing, the way he shoots and follows the game are PERFECT. If we have any chance to get him, we simply need to. Loan him to Viola, Parma, I dont care, just dont loose him. Leonardo is right, this guy is something special, and I suggest you take a closer look if you have a chance. In 3-5 years he will be top forward in the world, like Sheva was.
Dont get me wrong, right now he cant play for Milan ( aldough im not so sure about that either ), but if I see him play for Real, Inter or Juve I'll cry.
I know he cosat a lot, but that money would be wisely invested in super young player. Pippo is 34, Ronaldo 31.
17-06-2007, 09:22
People. I've just seen PAto play for the first time ( not on highlights ). Its like watchink young Shevachenko with even better skills. Im 100% dead serious, this boy is amazing! I know he is only 17 and it can be seen as he sometimes overplays himself like a child, but his speed, passing, the way he shoots and follows the game are PERFECT. If we have any chance to get him, we simply need to. Loan him to Viola, Parma, I dont care, just dont loose him. Leonardo is right, this guy is something special, and I suggest you take a closer look if you have a chance. In 3-5 years he will be top forward in the world, like Sheva was.
Dont get me wrong, right now he cant play for Milan ( aldough im not so sure about that either ), but if I see him play for Real, Inter or Juve I'll cry.
I know he cosat a lot, but that money would be wisely invested in super young player. Pippo is 34, Ronaldo 31.
I hope we get Pato too. He is too young to tell what he might be in 2-3 years when Milan would probably consider bringing him into the first team but 10-15 mil would be worth it IMO as there is a good chance, should we miss him now, we would be after him several years later and ready to pay much more than that.
I think Milan is monitoring pato closely and what Leo has said about him is testament for that. Also, Galliani has said it often that players like Dinho and Kaka are reachable before they hit it big at one of the major clubs ... after that, they are close to impossible to get.
these things, and the lack of rumours, make me believe that Milan are closer to Pato than we think ;)
Im ready to put anything on the line that Pato will end up in chelsea mark my words.
Personally, what guarantee do we have that Barca will let Eto go to another club when they get Henry? I just cant see Eto going to any other club other than Arsenal, we are talking about Wenger here he is not that stupid. If you think about it Eto has come out and said he admires Wenger and wants to play under him, at the same time Wenger can only see Eto as Henrys replacement. I know if some sort of deal was to go through the players would cross over with 1 club paying the other club some osrt of cash on top most likely Arsenal. I still think Milan would be better off stealing henry from under Barcas nose, he has another good 3/4 years in him and overall to me he is better than Eto.
For me I cant see Eto joining Milan, R10 on the other hand is more likely. I know the English teams cannot match Milan for the money, however I think the players choice will be to play in England.
17-06-2007, 09:36
I really don't see etoo joining Arsenal 'cause in all fairness to Wenger and his team, their time as an EPL super force seems to be over.
Now teams like Chelski, ManU and even Pool are too strong, on the field and financially, for Arsenal to compete with with the more limited resources and while bringing in young talents is an admirable policy in some aspects, it hasn't been very successful over the past several years.
There is too much insecurity over the clubs future too - with Dein gone, there is no knowing for how long will Wenger stick around - and again with that strong competition in the EPL, and their not so hot CL record bar one season in the last 10+ years, Arsenal just doesn't quite fit the profile of a club etoo would move from Barca for, a move which would be a step down in his career in every sense of the word.
I really don't see etoo joining Arsenal 'cause in all fairness to Wenger and his team, their time as an EPL super force seems to be over.
Now teams like Chelski, ManU and even Pool are too strong, on the field and financially, for Arsenal to compete with with the more limited resources and while bringing in young talents is an admirable policy in some aspects, it hasn't been very successful over the past several years.
There is too much insecurity over the clubs future too - with Dein gone, there is no knowing for how long will Wenger stick around - and again with that strong competition in the EPL, and their not so hot CL record bar one season in the last 10+ years, Arsenal just doesn't quite fit the profile of a club etoo would move from Barca for, a move which would be a step down in his career in every sense of the word.
You have some good points Zlat, however I must say the only way Man United, Chelsea & Pool are stronger is financially and not on the field. Looking over the whole year with the main strike force injured for some time the other top three teams did not look stronger when facing Arsenal, the main reason Arsenal got behind was there was no real killer striker to finish off the game. Arsenal at the moment are going through a rough patch which clubs do go through, no disrespect to Manchester United as they did deserve the title however what about the last few years? Yeh, they did go through that patch also. Arsenal will find it difficult to compete with the other clubs as they dont have enough money, that is the reason they are holding talks with Kroenke and possibly finding a solution to some sort of takeover where they could please Wenger & possibly Henry. At the moment it is very insecure and I can say that if Wenger was to leave then half the team would leave with him which would probably mess up the club, however when you look at some of the recent signings and the ages of these players you must think why would he want to invest in more youth players and then leave?
If I had a choice between joining Milan or Arsenal, without even thinking twice I would choose Milan. They are much stronger, domestically (compared to Arsenal in EPL) and in Europe, they also have a much better chance at winning silverware. However the part that strikes me is that is Wenger that dumb or stupid to let Henry go and not get Eto in return? Its like a triangle if you ask me. You have Arsenal, Barca and Milan, Barca wont let Eto go unless they have Henry (I cant see any other striker which would match what they want not even f.torres as you mentioned earlier), Milan wont have the chance to get Eto unless Barca have Henry and Arsenal probably wont let Henry go without having a chance at getting Eto. This is the reason why I feel it would probably be best to get Henry. However im sure Berlu doesnt mind who he ends up with either R10 or Eto, but im sure he would prefer the Brazilian.
17-06-2007, 10:45
Maybe two best young forward in world are Pato and RYAN BABEL....
We must bring one of them in Milan if we want good team in the future.
This two boys are really really something special.
We have Leonardo to bring Pato and Van Basten to bring Babel we mustn t lose that.
Babel to me is nothing special, even if you look at the current Europ championship there are other Holland players who I would prefer over him.
On another note:
Kaka has rejected Real Madrid’s offer to double his wages and earned the title of ‘Best in the world’ from Pele.
Ramon Calderon has repeatedly announced his intention of bringing the Brazilian to Spain, but Milan have been just as adamant that he is going nowhere.
This week both clubs confirmed that Real representatives met with Kaka’s father – who acts as his agent – but that it was only to officially turn down the proposal of £8m per season.
That is double what he currently earns at the San Siro, although the Rossoneri will improve his contract this summer to pay £4.3m until 2012.
It is also reported that the new deal to keep him in Italy will include the signing of younger brother Digao – currently playing in Serie B with Rimini – and a firm attempt to bring good friend Andriy Shevchenko back to Milan.
Failing that, then Ronaldinho is the next player down on the list of transfer candidates.
Kaka was the top scorer with 10 goals in this season’s Champions League and lifting the trophy in Athens makes him the runaway favourite to win the Ballon d’Or.
Now he has also received the seal of approval from his hero, Brazilian legend Pele.
“Cristiano Ronaldo is without doubt the best player in England, as everyone recognised this year, but that’s a long way off being the best in the world,” said ‘O Rey’ at a charity event in Angola.
“Kaka, on the other hand, is a player with qualities that make him better than Cristiano Ronaldo and that will allow him to be among the greatest of all time.”
Does this mean he has extended his contract to another year?
Its great news if you ask me, is his brother any good?
apart from Shevchenko part, it's great new to me. If shevchenko costs E10M it will be fine, but as Chelsea wants, they may dream about getting back money:D. Of course Digao isn't at Milan's quality. But he's young, and over 190cm tall, maybe next stam for us.
If Eto'o comes, no way we can sign Pato. Both of them don't have Italian passport. If I have to choose, of course I will choose Pato. But I wonder if he is old enough to join Milan? Maybe 12 years later:D.
Ah right, I have a question too. When I play FM 2007, I can't sign Pato because Milan can't sign U18 players from brazil <Same to Valencia>. So is it really true? If it's true we can't sign Pato even we don't sign Eto'o since Pato is only 17 <turning 18 Sept 2nd this year>
LOL looks like those SOTB's from Madrid won't win the title after all :grinser:
GilAttack [11]
17-06-2007, 16:32
Simeone called Moratti to recommend him the Tevez' signing. So maybe if Cruz goes to Roma, they will buy him.
i know, i'll bite my tongue.
17-06-2007, 16:42
And in typical fashion they score 2 goals within the last 10 mins of the season which puts them on the edge of the title
17-06-2007, 16:52
real madrid are the champions.... means we're getting some barça players..
17-06-2007, 17:00
Damn, what a great player Diarra is. He is one of my favourite players. I love how he is a complete player and defends and attacks.
Capello is 90% of their victory, he confirmed what a great coach he is. I hope he leaves Real, they dont deserve him after all the criticism he received. He should leave a champion (just like how he left us).
17-06-2007, 17:06
can anyone tell me the guy called NANI who plays for Portugal u21 is a Manu player ???
Graeme C
17-06-2007, 17:10
real madrid are the champions.... means we're getting some barça players..
Eto + zambrotta please :)
17-06-2007, 17:20
If Eto'o comes, no way we can sign Pato. Both of them don't have Italian passport. If I have to choose, of course I will choose Pato. But I wonder if he is old enough to join Milan? Maybe 12 years later:D.
Milan can buy Pato and loan him out to another Italian team ... in this case, it won't matter that he has no EU passport as long as that other team can add a non-EU player to their line up.
I would guess that should Milan go for him now, he would be loaned out anyway given that he is still 17/18 yo.
As for Nani, yes he is a ManU player.
Congrats to Real for the title, now lets do some Blaugrana shopping :D
Eto + zambrotta please :)
We should do better:
Eto + Zambrotta + Edmilson + R10 please.. lol
I was rooting for R. Madrid to win it, but don't get me wrong, when I saw the celebration, I was so disgusted that I turned it off immediately. :D - It is just a bit easier for us to get some potential players from Barcelona when they don't win and call for a "revolution", and obviously Sevilla is too weak, they are not up to the job. Damn. :D Roma this season would have won there with both hands down. :bri:
Did Barca end up trophyless this season? Im not sure.
Hasan Rossonero
17-06-2007, 17:34
Did Barca end up trophyless this season? Im not sure.
Yes I believe so.
No CL.
No domestic title.
Ousted by Getafe in spectacular fashion in the Spanish cup.
Lost to Sevilla in the Super Cup.
Internacional beat them in the Intercontinental cup.
17-06-2007, 17:34
can anyone tell me the guy called NANI who plays for Portugal u21 is a Manu player ???
yes he is.
17-06-2007, 17:40
yes he is.
damn I saw him playin for portugal against izrael woww what a player that we lost I dont know if we were after him or no but we lost a big player ...
I don't think Kaka will stay till 2011. He's 25 now and will be 29 then. I don't think Real will still be interested in him at that age. In all honesty he'll probably move from us two seasons from now. By then hopefully we would have groomed a replacement for him.
If Kaka can maintain his level of consistency I don't see why Madrid won't sign him when he reaches 29. Madrid signed Zidane at the age of 29, Figo (28 years and 7 months). Hopefully he'll stay until 2011
17-06-2007, 20:32
Pato or Etoo? For sure Pato the kid represents the futur, and if I were the one who take decisions in MIlan I would go for Pato, Alex,Zambrotta, Ze Roberto( I dont know wheather he joined Bayern or not?) and May be Nasri I dont know how much these players will cost, but I think its sth less than 80 M$ which is not much for Milan
10 minutes to the champion, poor barca:D. If we have to take one from Barca's players, I will choose Messi for sure, but it's between Ronaldinho and Eto'o:(.
zlatanov: what about the U18 brazillian signing rule I have mentioned? Is that wrong?
sheva-gila: Nani costs more than P15M, I don't think it's a fair price to him. I don't really know if he's a great player because I haven't seen him play again big teams. And I think he was on the bench in world cup 2006, I'd rather use that money for Vaart + Pato.
Damn, what a great player Diarra is. He is one of my favourite players. I love how he is a complete player and defends and attacks.
Capello is 90% of their victory, he confirmed what a great coach he is. I hope he leaves Real, they dont deserve him after all the criticism he received. He should leave a champion (just like how he left us).
Hitmann, you're not quite right there! Capello had 2 spells with us---after the first spell, he left a champion and then went to coach Real. After one season with Real, he was lured back by Berlusconi and we endured two miserable years---finishing mid-table, buying flops, and enduring a horrendous defeat to Juve at home. Finally he left and Zaccheroni replaced him. Capello was initially on standby should Zac flop, but after winnnig the scudetto in his first season with us, Berlu "allowed" Capello to speak with other clubs---he went to Roma, and the rest is history.
Back to topic---I dont know about you guys, but Bojinov plus cash for Gila (to Fiorentna) sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I've always thought Bojinov has huge potential, but was never really given the chance. ANd dont forget, he's still very young--i think only 22 or something.
So today we are starting our occupation of Barcelona city :) Ronaldinho is, as Bronzetti said, now our 2nd target and our first is SHEVA, to please Kaka'. Since Milan is only offering 7.5 mil pounds, the negotiations with Chelski are almost impossible.
Diago( If I remember the name correctly ), Kaka' brother, is joining us from Rimini loan deal, 190 cm tall, but not a good player. Well, maybe he can play some coppa matches. Emerson said today that now he will sit and think about his future, and Milan is still between him and Edmilson (32). But it would be nice to sign someone like 26-28 years old central midfielder, just to renuvejate a squad a bit and still have proper player. Tiago maybe? Or someone young like Maduro... Lyon has apparently almost signed new LB and that means that Abidal is leaving, we'll soon see where, Barca is no.1 favorite for this. I doubt Milan has some plans for him.
18-06-2007, 06:14
our summer mercato begins today.... :p017:
Hasan Rossonero
18-06-2007, 08:30
Galliani was asked today about our mercato.
He said our primary objective is Eto'o, and if the economic possibility is there we will sign him. If not, we will stay how we are plus, of course, Ronaldo (for CL).
He was then asked about Sheva, and he said we agree with the President on everything. We're in continuous contact, and let's see what happens.
I was just thinking if Sheva and Eto'o arrive, do you think Oliveira would be sold?
18-06-2007, 08:48
I was just thinking if Sheva and Eto'o arrive, do you think Oliveira would be sold?
how about if nither Sheva nor Etoo came, would it make a diffrence, surely he should be sold ,but the question is who is going to buy him , he is crap, and there is no club in the world is intersted in signing rubbish
Graeme C
18-06-2007, 08:50
Galliani was asked today about our mercato.
I was just thinking if Sheva and Eto'o arrive, do you think Oliveira would be sold?
i hope he does, and same with Borriello. If we sign Both eto and sheva i think we would see Gila go Fiorentina on loan maybe.. But to stay competitive we could do with 5 strikers. Eto, Sheva, Gila, Inzaghi, Ronaldo
18-06-2007, 08:55
Still believe that RO could turn out to be the player we thought we were buying, and more, under the different circumstances of this coming season.
I hope we give Ro another chance although if we are gonna be having 5 strikers, I think it would be best the fifth one to be able to play as an attacking mid too, which is why I wanted Keita at Milan ... Quagliarella, Mancini (Roma) are other players with such characteristics.
btw, Keita was sold to Lyon for something like 16-18mil euros ... no wonder Milan only made inquiries about him, supposedly, and never took it to the next level.
and some Juve-related transfers:
let's hope this one is Trez' replacement they have been looking for :D
I don't think any club can handle Eto'o, Shevchenko, Gilardino, Inzaghi, Ronaldo. Half of them will be enough, even with Shevchenko, Inzaghi, Ronaldo <all over 30>.
mrki: he is Digao. And as far as I concern, we loaned him to Rimini, and now he's just coming back. It's not we are borrowing a Rimini's player.
18-06-2007, 09:02
you may be right Zaltanov, so it might be a good idea to give him another chance but, out side milan I mean loan him to any seria A team with the right to have him back in the winter if we wanted to cuz I cant stand watching him wasting an important chance which means 3 points for MIlan this would be more than enough
I want R10 in our team, not Sheva which is the cheap option IMO. Oliveira could only find place as winger IMO as his strike rate is abysmal. Since we don't play with wingers, goodbye. We aren't going to make any money back on him, so let's just learn from the mistake that whatever's left at the bottom of the discount basket is usually not worth it.
Even Sheva, Eto'o, Pippo and Ronaldo is way too much. Loaning out or selling Oliveira + bringing Eto'o would leave us with: Eto'o, Ronaldo, Gila, Pippo. Which is also hard to manage...Having Eto'o + Ronaldo + Pippo + Oliveira ( who can always be benched and is ready to be benched, and is a solid player after all ), is a good variation. Maybe loaning Gila out would do him some good, or even trade with Barca is possible.
So you wanna trade or loan out our top scorer who cost 24 mill, and keep the player who only scored 5 times in the season, and cost 17 mil? Doesn't make sense does it.
Even Sheva, Eto'o, Pippo and Ronaldo is way too much. Loaning out or selling Oliveira + bringing Eto'o would leave us with: Eto'o, Ronaldo, Gila, Pippo. Which is also hard to manage...Having Eto'o + Ronaldo + Pippo + Oliveira ( who can always be benched and is ready to be benched, and is a solid player after all ), is a good variation. Maybe loaning Gila out would do him some good, or even trade with Barca is possible.
Somebody pinch me, please !
I think i just saw logic in Mrki's post :stoned:
J/k Mrki, you know i love you and your posts :diablo:
Mrki's right. I don't know how can some of you think Eto'o-Ronnie-Pippo-Gila-Sheva would work.
Only one of Eto'o-Sheva and 2 of Ronaldo-Gila-Pippo, plus someone like RO could work and it will still form the strongets (looking by the names of the players) attack in the world.
Or maybe one of Eto'o-Sheva + the ones you already have (Ronaldo-Gila-Pippo). But if it's Sheva who'll join Milan then you have a player who has a guaranteed spot in attack and plus you'll have 3 star players who'll have to be rotated all the time.
How long until they start moaning ?
On Dinho, Eto'o or Sheva part i tend to agree with Tony. As a fan of a rival team i wouldn't like Dinho to join Milan while i won't mind Sheva or Eto'o. So, logically, if i was a Milan fan i'd like Dinho to become a rossonero :)
(although i still think Zambrotta-Sheva-Alex, who'll cost as much or less than Dinho, would be the best choice)
and some Juve-related transfers:
let's hope this one is Trez' replacement they have been looking for :D
Look how happy our friends are when they heard these fantastic news :haha:
18-06-2007, 09:48
Look how happy our friends are when they heard these fantastic news :haha:
yeah, I just finished reading it - looks like Juve fans are willing to open the club doors for a sweet fella like Bellamy :grinser:
English press is sugesting 12 mil pounds for Bellamy!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Man they are ALWAYS unreal when it comes to the "best" league - English premier****. If they are ready to pay insane amounts of money for players like Haargreves, Lennon, Bellamy, Mcarthy and so on...that doesnt mean the rest of Europe is also blind. I wouldnt pay more than 5 mil euro for this guy. ( dough, we did pay 17 mil for Oli... :( )
Juve will not buy him, there is absolutly no hance in the world that will happen. Gila, Bianchi, Huntelaar - one of them will replace Trez. Most likely Huntelaar.
And off topic, but since most of us is now on mercato thread, look at this :p017: :
18-06-2007, 10:11
I agree, 12 mil BP for Bellamy is too much ... but since Juve are willing to pay 10, if I were Pool's GM, I would say: "Congrats, you've got yourselves a deal" :D
Hey, you can make fun as much as you want, but this rumour can't beat "Ibrahim Ba signed for Milan" :D
18-06-2007, 10:31
it's noy like we've paid anything for the guy ... that deal was for old time's sake and he will hardly be anything more than a traning session assistant to the other Milan players :D
getting Bellamy as a replacement for Trez is more like signing Ba to replace kaka :grinser:
but again:
Pool's GM: "Secco, you've got yourself a deal, my man." ...
"Really?!" - Says Secco both surprised and happy that he's managed to close another deal after the super-transfer of Iaquinta - "These Pool guys are so into me", he thinks to himself.
sorry, couldn't resist the temptation :D
Even Sheva, Eto'o, Pippo and Ronaldo is way too much. Loaning out or selling Oliveira + bringing Eto'o would leave us with: Eto'o, Ronaldo, Gila, Pippo. Which is also hard to manage...Having Eto'o + Ronaldo + Pippo + Oliveira ( who can always be benched and is ready to be benched, and is a solid player after all ), is a good variation. Maybe loaning Gila out would do him some good, or even trade with Barca is possible.
People wanna become Milan in Real Madrid when the spanish team just bought forwards
Just Sheva, Ronaldo, Pippo, Gila and Pazzini would be enough to do a high level Calcio and Champions League
Ricardo Oliveira can be loaned to São Paulo, better than sell he for few money
Actually I think 4 good forwards are so much for only one team, Milan needs it just because Ronaldo and Inzaghi have crystal legs
18-06-2007, 11:15
Galliani: Eto’o our main target
Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani insists that Barcelona striker Samuel Eto’o remains the club’s main target.
“Do Milan want Ronaldinho? Our first objective is Eto’o,” said Galliani on Monday.
“Do Milan want Ronaldinho? Our first objective is Eto’o,” said Galliani on Monday.
“If it is possible from a financial point of view, we will complete the move, otherwise we will continue with the Champions League winning squad, plus Ronaldo,” added the former Lega Calcio President.
18-06-2007, 11:21
Galliani: Eto’o our main target
Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani insists that Barcelona striker Samuel Eto’o remains the club’s main target.
“Do Milan want Ronaldinho? Our first objective is Eto’o,” said Galliani on Monday.
“Do Milan want Ronaldinho? Our first objective is Eto’o,” said Galliani on Monday.
“If it is possible from a financial point of view, we will complete the move, otherwise we will continue with the Champions League winning squad, plus Ronaldo,” added the former Lega Calcio President.
is that an echo or you just like how it sounds :grinser:
18-06-2007, 11:50
is that an echo or you just like how it sounds :grinser:
What is echo Zlatt?
I didn't want to post all the channel4 post and i posted only the important news for us.
So what is echo? :diablo:
Hasan Rossonero
18-06-2007, 11:53
What is echo Zlatt?
I didn't want to post all the channel4 post and i posted only the important news for us.
So what is echo? :diablo:
You posted the line in bold twice.
18-06-2007, 12:11
You posted the line in bold twice.
I didn't ask you!!!! :grinser: But thanks!
18-06-2007, 12:18
what Hasan said :) ... and here is the full version of it:
So means that will be Eto'o or no one?
No Sheva anymore?
Seems dangerous based in Inzaghi and Ronaldo condition and Gila and Oliveira regularity but Ancelotti knows what is the best to team spirit, maybe he thinks that will cause a bad fight to few positions hiring many forwards
18-06-2007, 12:29
what Hasan said :) ... and here is the full version of it:
Thanks. :diablo:
18-06-2007, 12:35
So means that will be Eto'o or no one?
No Sheva anymore?
Seems dangerous based in Inzaghi and Ronaldo condition and Gila and Oliveira regularity but Ancelotti knows what is the best to team spirit, maybe he thinks that will cause a bad fight to few positions hiring many forwards
I wouldn't take those words too literaly - the only concrete thing Galliani has said is that Milan is after Etoo, everything else is maybes and maybe nots
Graeme C
18-06-2007, 12:38
i was thinking guys, if we lose Favali, and put grimi out on loan. How about a Bid for Grosso?
Although Zambrotta would be my first choice, he would be a good player to have on the left. ** although i doubt Inter will sell anymore of its players to Milan.
When our managment says they are interested in someone, that usually means the player has already commited himself to them and there is only club to deal with. That was the case for Oddo, Ronaldo, Marek, Gila...
18-06-2007, 12:43
you know, there could also be a reason why Grosso can't make the LB his own at Inter ... given all the great players he has to compete with ... like Maxwell, for instance :D
it's noy like we've paid anything for the guy ... that deal was for old time's sake and he will hardly be anything more than a traning session assistant to the other Milan players :D
getting Bellamy as a replacement for Trez is more like signing Ba to replace kaka :grinser:
but again:
Pool's GM: "Secco, you've got yourself a deal, my man." ...
"Really?!" - Says Secco both surprised and happy that he's managed to close another deal after the super-transfer of Iaquinta - "These Pool guys are so into me", he thinks to himself.
sorry, couldn't resist the temptation :D
The next time you'll decide to share inside info at least share everything :
Pool's GM: "Secco, you've got yourself a deal, my man." ...
"Really?!" - Says Secco both surprised and happy that he's managed to close another deal after the super-transfer of Iaquinta - "These Pool guys are so into me", he thinks to himself.......
Pool's GM (to himself) : "Boy, if this is the man who managed to keep Buffon in Juve after all the money Milan offered and their presure to steal Buffon....i can't even imagine how easy it will be to sell some of our players to Milan....lets see what do we have....Fowler, he's just a kid....Zenden, naaah too young....Hyypiä, hmmmm also very young......i'll have to ask Ian Rush and Kenny Dalglish if they're planning a comeback !
18-06-2007, 13:02
The next time you'll decide to share inside info at least share everything :
Pool's GM: "Secco, you've got yourself a deal, my man." ...
"Really?!" - Says Secco both surprised and happy that he's managed to close another deal after the super-transfer of Iaquinta - "These Pool guys are so into me", he thinks to himself.......
Pool's GM (to himself) : "Boy, if this is the man who managed to keep Buffon in Juve after all the money Milan offered and their presure to steal Buffon....i can't even imagine how easy it will be to sell some of our players to Milan....lets see what do we have....Fowler, he's just a kid....Zenden, naaah too young....Hyypiä, hmmmm also very young......i'll have to ask Ian Rush and Kenny Dalglish if they're planning a comeback !
nice story, Tony :5ok: ... but every good fairy tale is nothing without a proper ending:
nothing more to say, I guess ... or maybe there is, one more word only - ManU :grinser:
18-06-2007, 13:15
I heard that Chivu is very close to Inter and that the deal will be announced in a few hours, does any one know any thing about that? It will be very stupid if we left Chivu for Inter he is a rock, freekick expert,and can play in both LB and CB why do we leave him for Inter
18-06-2007, 13:33
When our managment says they are interested in someone, that usually means the player has already commited himself to them and there is only club to deal with. That was the case for Oddo, Ronaldo, Marek, Gila...
Yessssssssssss true very true :pp20:
The talk between L'pool and Galliani would be like this....
Galliani: " hello, we are interested in mr. Bellamy..."
L'pool: " Well, Craig is a pretty good lad, you know, Chelsea is also interested in him....that will cost you..."
Galliani: " We are offering 50 000 pounds..."
L'pool: " What???"
Galliani: " What? How much would you pay to reinforce your primavera?"
The talk between L'pool and Galliani would be like this....
Galliani: " hello, we are interested in mr. Bellamy..."
L'pool: " Well, Craig is a pretty good lad, you know, Chelsea is also interested in him....that will cost you..."
Galliani: " We are offering 50 000 pounds..."
L'pool: " What???"
Galliani: " What? How much would you pay to reinforce your primavera?":haha: :haha:
Edit : Why the hell would Galiani call Bellamy "mister" ? :rolleyes: :devf:
If Milan really buys Eto'o, with Kaka' who is the best player in the world, relatively fit Il Phenomeno and always dangereous Superpippo we WILL have the best attack in Europe. Better than Rooney-C.Ronaldo-Anderson-Nani, or Sheva-Drogba-Robben...,
Only Barca could pair us with Messi-Henry-Ronaldinho.
But even with this, defences win titles!!
Warro Bantan
18-06-2007, 14:40
Galliani: " What? How much would you pay to reinforce your primavera?" Classic!! Brilliant!! Well done! :haha:
If Milan really buys Eto'o, with Kaka' who is the best player in the world, relatively fit Il Phenomeno and always dangereous Superpippo we WILL have the best attack in Europe. Better than Rooney-C.Ronaldo-Anderson-Nani, or Sheva-Drogba-Robben...,
Only Barca could pair us with Messi-Henry-Ronaldinho.
But even with this, defences win titles!!
Its going to be crazy next year.
18-06-2007, 15:03
hey guys , am asking if any one knows any thing about Chivu to Inter?
GilAttack [11]
18-06-2007, 15:47
With Eto'o being target #1, why isnt there any talk about his on and off the field antics?
Warro Bantan
18-06-2007, 16:10
']With Eto'o being target #1, why isnt there any talk about his on and off the field antics?
:rolleyes: And those would be? What exactly? :dontkn:
18-06-2007, 16:38
i hope we do get eto'o ...combining with kaka and pirlo would be awsome...but then again i hope he doesnt do wat he did with barca with dhinio
Hasan Rossonero
18-06-2007, 17:10
Two questions:
1) How much do you think Eto'o is worth (in pounds)?
2) How much do you think Milan are willing to pay (in pounds)?
Two questions:
1) How much do you think Eto'o is worth (in pounds)?
2) How much do you think Milan are willing to pay (in pounds)?
Well it depends, look at how much Sheva went for & considering etos age I would think he is worth about 35 Mill. I think Milan wont offer higher than 28 mill.
i was thinking guys, if we lose Favali, and put grimi out on loan. How about a Bid for Grosso?
Although Zambrotta would be my first choice, he would be a good player to have on the left. ** although i doubt Inter will sell anymore of its players to Milan.
Ibrahim BA
18-06-2007, 17:41
"Barusso completes Roma switch",, 2007-06-15
18-06-2007, 17:47
i wouldn't compare etoo with Sheva 'cause Sheva was a player-team, who could mean the dif between a win and a loss and almost singlehandedly take care of things on the field.
I know etoo is considered probably one of the top 3/4 strikers out there but I don't think he has what I mentioned above - Etoo is heavily dependant on the players around him - Dinho, Messi, etc and feeds on primarily what they create for him - stop those around Etoo and you can foget he is even on the field ... stop those around Sheva in his Milan years and ... bamm, all of a sudden the score is 1 up Milan.
Sheva, at 29/30 yo cost Chelski - it's Chelski we are talking about after all, so amounts paid often don't correspond to value - 30 mil BP. At 26 yo, Sheva was invaluable, not for sale, unsubstitutable ... something etoo is NOT for Barca, I think, as there are several options out there who could easily fill in his boots and hardly much would change for the Blaugrana.
This being said, considering hype, market noise and values and such, I would put Etoo's more realistic price at about 20-23 mil BP (30-35 mil euros, tops) and think Milan will not go above 26 mil BP (40 mil euros) or something of the sort - Gila+20 mil euros.
18-06-2007, 17:49
guys how about some young talents :
1) Drenthe " 19 feynord new davids LB & CM "
2) Miguel Veloso " lisbone 20 DM "
3) Hangeland " kopenhagn 21 DF "
4) Kaboul " auxxere 21 DF "
5) Montolivo "....."
any combination of these of a df + dm + cf = great bench
Hasan Rossonero
18-06-2007, 17:53
I think he is worth around 25 Mill GBP.
I think Barca will ask for 30. I think if the fee is ever to be agreed, it will be in the neighbourhood of 26.
Hasan Rossonero
18-06-2007, 18:05 is a way to focus our mercato discussions.
Below are few names. What is the likelihood, expressed as a percentage, that they will play for us next season (mine are below)?
Ronaldinho- 20%
Zambrotta- 45%
Emerson- 50%
Eto'o- 50%
Sheva- 30% (80% according to Berlu though :D)
Edmilson- 40%
Hasan Rossonero
18-06-2007, 18:26
Interesting article. I like Ball; he always writes cogently. The parts in bold are very relevant. GilAttack on this thread gestured towards what he/she felt was Eto'o behavioural problems. Could those claims be substantive? I think there is an element of truth in them.
Of suffering and success
Phil Ball
The Tantric idea of suffering, or at least its explanation for the existence of suffering, is that negativity helps us to understand the positive. As Thomas More once said (although he wasn't into Buddhism), 'We cannot go to Heaven in feather beds. It is not the way'. Fair enough. Real Madrid and their long suffering supporters finally got to dunk themselves in the Cibeles fountain at the end of a spiritual pilgrimage lasting four long years - fasting in the wild, an eternity almost, after so many years of plenty.
Raul celebrates with the trophy.
But they may well appreciate it more than previous league titles, mainly because a few months ago it all seemed so improbable, Capello was on his way home and Barcelona seemed destined to continue their run of success, almost by default.
Now the future colour of La Liga looks a little different, and despite Barça's pyrrhic 1-5 win at relegated Nastic, their wretched season looks likely to ring in some future changes. Sevilla, most neutrals' hope for the title, blew it on the home run, as many had suspected they might, losing disappointingly in the final analysis to Villarreal and falling victim to their overstretched ambition in a season which saw them on for the treble until the final game.
Next week they play Getafe in the King's Cup Final, and one can only wish them well. In many ways they deserved the league title for the sheer enthusiasm of their play, and their relentless commitment to attacking football. If they can retain the core of the side, and add to it with the funds collected from this season, then they might be able to take it further. But first they have to ensure that their manager does not take a plane for Manchester, as it is still hotly rumoured that he'll take the job at Man City.
But back to the champions of Spain. The suffering continued until the 68th minute of the final game, when José Antonio Reyes, of all people, on for a limping Beckham, equalised the 15th minute goal from Varela that had stunned the prematurely celebrating Bernabéu into nervous silence.
Nine minutes from the end, Diarra back-headed in the second, and Barça's four goal lead in Tarragona became meaningless. Reyes sidefooted home the third to end an extraordinary last lap to the league campaign, in which three players who looked to be discarded from the second half of the season came up trumps in the end. In fact Diarra, whose header turned the match, had been playing so badly up to that point that the supporters were actively attempting to have him taken off. He had only got back from Mali the day before, and by all accounts he was unhappy to have been dragged back. How ironic it was that he should score the decisive goal.
Reyes, on loan from Arsenal, has been a huge disappointment this season, and would have been unlikely to appear had not Beckham's ankle finally felt the strain. At the point when Beckham went off, with Madrid still 0-1 down and looking rather lost, the applause from the Bernabéu seemed to wash over the Englishman's head, who ducked into the dug-out without so much as an acknowledgment of the reception. Even Tom Cruise, up in the stands with Posh, looked concerned from behind his shades.
But one minute later, things began to look up - and once Madrid had equalised, with Guti on for Emerson, things flowing rather better and they never looked back. Referee Muñiz Fernandez, he of the slicked-back hair, should really have sent off Reyes for a ridiculous foul on Ballesteros, but he didn't have the guts, given the scene around him. Mallorca will no doubt complain that he shouldn't have been on when he scored the third goal, but that is unlikely to be dwelt upon by Real Madrid's historians. The 30th title is in the bag, after a sudden and unexpected surge in form around February time, more or less coinciding with Beckham's return to the side. Mijatovic signed Capello 'to win titles'. Well that's what he's done, after a substantial period of suffering. No feather beds this year. But will the Italian stay?
Thereby hangs a question, but this week should see the issue resolved, as long as euphoria doesn't get in the way, and as long as Bernd Schuster doesn't begin to complain about the non-fulfilment of the alleged agreement he has already signed with President Calderón. He wasted no time in repeating to the press the day after that he was still interested in the job, and despite the Madrid media's ecstasy at the title, there are still enough voices of dissent with regard to the Italian's basic philosophy.
Calderón remains tight-lipped, but once the confetti has blown away, he might decide to end the marriage. Hard-core Madridistas are happy that Barça's grip on the league has been loosened, but they know that it was hardly done in style. Madrid won it, or Barça lost it? Thereby hangs the conundrum. Part of Madrid's problem has been their inability to plan long-term with any coherence, which was one of the reasons for the drought period.
Ronaldinho: Have Barca fans seen the best of the Brazilian?
Calderón never wanted Capello in the first place, and for all the plaudits he will receive this week, he still began the most vital game of the season with the hated double-pivot of Emerson and Diarra. Only when the crowd got Guti did Madrid begin to pick holes in Mallorca's defence. Then again, another problem for Madrid has been a lack of steadiness, a lack of continuity. As Beckham said - thanks to my managers - all six of them.
Then again, who will stay at Barça, and who will go? Now that Thierry Henry looks set to add his ego to the Camp Nou changing-rooms, it seems likely that some of ego-kilos will need to be sold off, most likely in the form of Samuel Eto'o. The club seem to have finally realised why Real Madrid didn't want him back two years ago. He may well win you things in the short-term, but long-term stability remains a chimera with his volatile presence around.
Ronaldinho? Most rumours see him set to add to Berlusconis' 'galactici' at AC Milan, athough he is unlikely to be joined now by Frank Rijkaard, given the success of Ancelloti this year. The interesting thing is that unlike last year, you get the feeling that the Barça faithful wouldn't be quite so sad to see the back of the Brazilian now, especially if it brings in the euros. The feeling seems to be that they've seen the best of him, and it might be worth cashing in now.
Elsewhere, Villarreal made the UEFA and fifth place after a storming post-Xmas recovery, and Zaragoza pinched the other spot from Atlético Madrid, but deservedly so. Down at the bottom, Real Sociedad returned to Division Two after forty consecutive years in the top flight, accompanied by Celta who return rather sooner they had planned. Athletic Bilbao escaped by the skin of their teeth, and remain the only side other than Real Madrid and Barça to have never been out of the top flight. Betis, who lost 0-5 at home last week and who were looking ripe for the drop, managed a dramatic final-day win at stuttering Santander, and can look forward to another year of derbies with their rather more illustrious neighbours.
18-06-2007, 20:09
tnx for the article, Hasan.
the highlighted text raises some pretty good points, especially about te egos issue at Barca, which is something to consider when aiming at etoo or Dinho given the money involved in such type of deals.
Maybe, if Suazo is indeed a Milan player, that gives out who between etoo and dinho Milan will go for next.
18-06-2007, 20:50
my predictions would be like this
gila to firenze
oliveira to a spanish club or fenerbahce
19-06-2007, 00:43
goal is reporting that The Sun is spreading a rumour that Barca may be after Wenger to take Rijkaard's place.
I know these rumours in the Englisg tabloids are rarely to be taken seriously but this one does make sense, I must say.
A change like this could really mess up Milan's plans this summer although should wenger go to Barca, he would probably bring Henry with him to the Camp Nou and this should still free up one of Etoo or Dinho, more likely the Brazilian, I think.
Graeme C
19-06-2007, 05:51
i have a feeling we could make a surprise bid for cannavaro, looks like hes trying to get a move back to italy.
now that suazo is ours, people still belive milan will land etoo/dinho? The bet is still on, lets wait and admire galliani's work :D
Graeme C
19-06-2007, 07:42
now that suazo is ours, people still belive milan will land etoo/dinho? The bet is still on, lets wait and admire galliani's work :D
im not sure, dinho more than Eto.. But i think Sheva will be our next signing.
Suazo is a very good player, dont get me wrong, but we payed for him 14 mil just like that. In those cases you can see how nice it is to have Berlusconi, lets hope his son is a same fanatic as he is:) !
I would agree if we landed overpriced etoo. But spending 14 mil just like that can be similar as spending too much for oliveira. And with similar results. I still think this is the cheapest way for our attack problems... for now. Im yet to see the 'big signing' or '100 mio cash in hand' which was promised numerous times.
Other than that, im happy with Suazo, hope he gets on well with us. He could be 'the big thing' nex season, but i said the same for Oli :)
19-06-2007, 08:03
I think Etoo is history now given how similar he is to Suazo.
There is good chance, however, that we'll go for Dinho and if we buy him, that will also **** the door in Inter's face for Etoo cause only one of these two will leave Barca, not both.
chances are one of RO and Gila will be sold/loaned out.
Lets wait and see what happens but we do need at least one mid and a LB, if he can play CD, like Abidal, even better.
Hasan Rossonero
19-06-2007, 08:13
I would agree if we landed overpriced etoo. But spending 14 mil just like that can be similar as spending too much for oliveira. And with similar results. I still think this is the cheapest way for our attack problems... for now. Im yet to see the 'big signing' or '100 mio cash in hand' which was promised numerous times.
Other than that, im happy with Suazo, hope he gets on well with us. He could be 'the big thing' nex season, but i said the same for Oli :)
One big advantage of Suazo is that he is proven in Serie A.
Galliani did a smart thing, he secured we have VERY GOOD attacking force right now, at the beginning of the mercato. Now we can operate with calm. No one can blackmail us with overpriced players like they did last year when everyone knew we are badly in need for a striker. Im 99% sure Oli will be sold as he is simply bad. Cant play for Milan, Carlo doesnt like him... Boriello can do his drugs elsvhere also...
Cannavaro? Hmmm... Dont be surprised if we see Nesta-Canna in Milan. Cannavaro today: " im 34 and i have never won CL..." And he also sayd he would like to play in Italy but doesnt think he is wanted in Napoli... kaladze-cannavaro-nesta-oddo, on the making?
King tiger
19-06-2007, 08:28
[QUOTE]Arriving at a Football League meeting, Adriano Galliani has explained: 'Everything could be in place with Suazo. It's very likely that Eto'o will not could so if we close the negotiations with Suazo then it's all finalised. There is no intention to disrespect Inter. We followed Suazo last year as well. Cellino said that the negotiations with Inter were over and so we started and concluded a new negotiation.'
19-06-2007, 08:30
and may not a very smart but very mean, and that he is not going to sign etoo
19-06-2007, 08:31
This is from I dont understand this too ??
pls help
'Everything could be in place with Suazo. It's very likely that Eto'o will not could so if we close the negotiations with Suazo then it's all finalised
19-06-2007, 08:33
but any way I am quite satisfied now may bay signing a new LB (Zambrotta) and a new CB plus Pato will make me much more than happy
Hasan Rossonero
19-06-2007, 08:39
Suazo blocks Eto’o arrival
Tuesday 19 June, 2007
Milan have admitted that Barcelona ace Samuel Eto’o is unlikely to arrive after they swooped for David Suazo this morning.
The Rossoneri sensationally captured the Cagliari hitman on Tuesday in an unexpected move which may now see primary target Eto’o remain just a dream.
“Eto’o will most probably not arrive and if we finalise the deal with Suazo [who has yet to sign] then our transfer campaign will be over,” stated Vice-President Adriano Galliani.
“Will our supporters be content this way? They have to be satisfied with the numerous Finals played over the years and the fact that we lead the European rankings.”
Suazo was expected to join Inter after agreeing to a deal last week, but Galliani insists Milan didn’t hijack the move to spite their city rivals.
“We had already been following the player last year. [Cagliari President] Massimo Cellino told us that the negotiation with Inter had stalled and we started conversations and struck a deal,” he added.
“Will I call Inter? No, they didn’t call me when they signed Zlatan Ibrahimovic last summer,” explained the official after Inter ‘stole’ the Swede from under the noses of the Rossoneri.
Reports suggest that Milan will pay £10m to Cagliari after Marco Borriello refused to be included in the deal.
“We need to wait for Suazo to sign as he is currently on holiday and might not want to move here,” added Galliani. “If he agrees, we will have four great strikers in our squad.
“I called [President] Silvio Berlusconi to inform him of the negotiation and he was pleased with the news.”
The part in bold: empty talk or will our market actually close??
it will close for the forwards...
I really doubt our market will close with the signing of one striker. We do have other needs, LB and Pirlo backup being two of them.
19-06-2007, 08:53
This is bad news mr.galliani we need one player in midle and one defender
but the mercato hasnt even started yet...
Milan will go on with 2 more players, mark my words. Defender and a midfielder.
19-06-2007, 08:56
The etoo stuff was to be expected really as now Dinho seems the one Barca player mila would be going for, I think.
As for our transfer campaign being over and waht not, I would not look too seriously into that. Plus, what Galliani said in the Italian version was "if we buy Suazo, saremo a posto" or something similar, which doesn't specify if he meant that only for the forward line or the whole team ... after all, Milan were seriously looking into a midfielder too, be that Emerson or someone else and it's highly unlikely IMO that we would tackle next season's campaign without certain reinforcements in defense and mifield.
we'll see I guess.
Laporta seriously said that dinho, etoo and frankie are staying at todays conference. They would let one of them go, but both players wanted to stay.
fresh old news.
19-06-2007, 10:01
yeah, here is what they had on gazzetta:
Laporta, Barca president just confirmed that Dinho and Etoo will stay at Barca next year too - he wants it, the coach wants it and the players want it too, in his words:
Calcio, Laporta: "Ronaldinho e Eto'o non si muovono"
Indice Ultim'ora
BARCELLONA - Ronaldinho e Samuel Eto'o resteranno al Barcellona. A due giorni dalla cocente delusione subita nella Liga, il presidente blaugrana Joan Laporta fa il punto sul mercato e blinda i suoi gioielli. "Le cessioni sono praticamente decise - ha detto Laporta - Il club vuole che Ronaldinho ed Eto'o restino qui e il tecnico e' d'accordo. Me lo hanno confermato personalmente sia Samuel che Ronaldinho". (Agr)
it's on ultim'ora (lastminute news) on gazzetta.
I still think that Dinho could end up leaving - mostly for dressing room problems - but it would take some extra-special circumstances and offer for that to happen, otherwise he and etoo will not be put openly on the market.
I would guess that's what made Galliani act on Suazo - he probably made an official inquiry for etoo and dinho and received a no from both club and player and decided to look for the next best thing, so to speak ... with the added bonus of slapping Moratti in the face.
I consider EToo history for us given the Suazo transfer, so if we can't get Dinho, I think we'd be in place with this attack we have as I still want RO to be given another chance ... if not, maybe Quagliarella in for RO would be great given that the Italian can play as attacking mid too and that would come in handy.
The thing is that there is a ceratin deadline for the situation of co-owned players like Quagliarella to be cleared up between the two clubs - Udinese and Samp in his case - and if no agreement is reached, there is a blind auction where both clubs make bids and the higher bid take all the 100% of the players rights.
For such transfers, I believe the deadline is coming very soon - like 20th or 25th of June or something like that.
I personally wouldn't mind securing Quagliarella now and keeping him at Samp for another year while giving RO another chance.
Hasan Rossonero
19-06-2007, 10:10
In other news, Calderon believes that Kaka will force his transfer.
19-06-2007, 10:13
well, Calderon likes to tell fairy tells to himself and his fans all the time, so that they think he might actually live up to his word but ... hey it's Calderon we are talking about, what more there is to say :rolleyes:
19-06-2007, 15:55
i have a feeling we r going to go for dhino .....becuase i think eto'o is a little harder to move then dihino will be.
19-06-2007, 15:56
moving on to midfeild : will a utility player like lucho gonzales be best
OR montolivo to rest pirlo a bit ?
OR powerful barusso "seem to join roma" ?
OR dinho to blow all these above ?
19-06-2007, 16:01
on the defence if we need an LB it shall be abidal since lyon got mathiew or zambrotta or pasqual while on the CB side since alex chive metzelder seem to be out of reach i think we try with Raul albiol or pepe or naldo or satisfied with digao ?????!!!!!
19-06-2007, 16:19
you mean Lyon got Jeremy Mathieu from Tolouse? ... haven't read anything on that, any links if that's what you meant?
19-06-2007, 17:00
looks like Roma and Inter have agreed terms for Chivu to go to Milan while Pizarro is staying at Roma:
19-06-2007, 17:49
looks like Roma and Inter have agreed terms for Chivu to go to Milan while Pizarro is staying at Roma:
This sucks. But if we can get Naldo, Pasqual, or Abidal that would be great.
19-06-2007, 18:29
guys the same situation is happening ...that happened with barcelona...see barca have been trying to get henry for a few years and we have been trying to get R10 for a few years the time has come and more likely then ever that henry will go to barca becasue of the fall out. so iam sure that our time will also come there will be a time when when ppl will say this is the best time for milan to get R10 i dont see him coming to us this season(although i really hope he does somehow) .....
Warro Bantan
19-06-2007, 18:50
I personally wouldn't mind securing Quagliarella now and keeping him at Samp for another year while giving RO another chance. Best statement I have read here in some time....not so sure about the RO part though, but he is better than Boriello...:dontkn:
Warro Bantan
19-06-2007, 19:20
This for mrki, from an interview with Zambrotta :D
Your club future. Italian sport magazines have talked about the possibility of you joining Milan, Inter or Juventus. Any truth in the rumours?
Well everything and nothing at the same time. At the moment, I'm fine here and I think I am going to stay. I want to stay with Barcelona and to complete a better year than the season which has just finished. I hope to get my revenge on Real Madrid in the League or in the Champions League. But what I want to say is that, after the first difficulties, which were caused by fatigue which caught up to me after the World Cup, I slowly got in gear again, but I can do better. As far as the Italian clubs are concerned, I am currently not negotiating with anybody but you can never know what's going on. In fact last year nobody could imagine what was going to happen in my career. Is that a come-get me plea, or is that just hopeful speculation getting the better of me? :D
19-06-2007, 21:23
I read this article in Bosnian, that Milan wants to swoop Boriello for Zlatan Muslimovic ( Bosnian player). He is owned by Udinese, and on loan to Parma. He is 26 year old and foward position. He is a tall player and very desent. I dono how much is in this, but I would like to see him in Milan because Im Bosnian. Anyways the source is in Bosnian so no need to give you the source.
wouldnt it be great if our forward lineup was something like this
Oddo Nesta Bonera Jankulovski
Gattuso Pirlo Seedorf Kaká
Ronaldinho Gaúcho
GilAttack [11]
20-06-2007, 00:27
Oddo Nesta Bonera Jankulovski
Gattuso Pirlo Seedorf Kaká
Ronaldinho Gaúcho
So Suazo starts instead of Ronaldo?
20-06-2007, 04:54
When we are getting excited of which player to come to Milan, i hope we milanista don't forget that we have gorky with us. i rather see him getting more playing time next season linking up with kaka.
ok some of you won't want to see this picture but I have to post it. I don0t know why he does it :rolleyes:
20-06-2007, 06:56
ok some of you won't want to see this picture but I have to post it. I don0t know why he does it :rolleyes:
one word: photoshop. That's why ... and you'd do it too at the click of a button :D
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 07:06
Here is the article from gazzetta...Diogo Kotscho (the right arm of Kaka I guess), says it is possible that Kaka will play for Real next season. That picture, according to the words below, is old:
As in pressing su Kakà
"Contento di venire al Real"
Stampa Articolo Stampa articolo | Invia Articolo Invia articolo | Commenti:177 Di' la tua
La stampa spagnola non molla la presa sul brasiliano. Secondo Diogo Kotscho, braccio destro del giocatore, il trasferimento è possibile, a patto che non scateni una guerra tra le due società
Ricardo Kaka, 25 anni. As
Ricardo Kaka, 25 anni. As
MADRID, 20 giugno 2007 - Al Real Madrid ci credono ancora. O almeno sembra, stando alle frasi riportate quest'oggi dal quotidiano As a proposito di Kakà. Dice Diogo Kotscho, braccio destro del brasiliano: "Kakà non scarta l'ipotesi di un passaggio Real, starebbe bene tanto a Madrid quanto a Milano".
TELENOVELA - La parola d'ordine è sempre la stessa, "oferton", ma stavolta As aggiunge un po' di pepe alla vicenda pubblicando una foto dello stesso Kakà immortalato con una copia del quotidiano spagnolo in mano che ritrae i merengues "Campeones de Liga" (anche se la pagina è vecchia, risale alla vittoria sul Siviglia). Il tormentone registra poi il passo avanti di Franco Baldini, consulente di mercato dei neocampioni di Spagna, in grado di incassare finalmente il sì del giocatore a patto che il Milan decida di venderlo. A conferma di questo, le parole di Diogo Kotscho: "Kakà non esclude il suo passaggio al Real e io non escludo che il prossimo anno giochi lì. Sarebbe molto felice sia al Real che al Milan".
COMPLICAZIONI - Dall'altra parte, però, la trattativa si conferma difficile. "Se il trasferimento avverrà sarà il più costoso di tutta la storia del calcio - ha continuato Kotscho - l'offerta del Real sia per il Milan che per Kakà è molto buona e il giocatore è molto felice di questo interesse. Può darsi che fino al 31 agosto non sapremo se Kakà giocherà nel Real".
Graeme C
20-06-2007, 07:31
one word: photoshop. That's why ... and you'd do it too at the click of a button :D
yeah it looks like it has, either that or the paper has big borders either side... plus the newspaper doesnt look like the same quality as the rest of the picture.
Typical crap from the Spanish press. Don't they stop. Frigging retards the lot of them.
Graeme C
20-06-2007, 07:39
Typical crap from the Spanish press. Don't they stop. Frigging retards the lot of them.
hahahahha :grinser:
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 10:41
The funny thing about that picture is that it seems like it was taken at Milanello, unless, of course, Kaka just happens to have a Milan poster and his own jersey in his room.
Or maybe it was strategically placed, but then that would take the "oomph" away from the picture.
I guess the bit that is of interest is what is actually written in the article. There we find nothing new, just that another representative of Kaka cannot exclude a transfer, and Kaka is happy at Milan and would be happy at Real.
This, we already know. So here is what we know:
1) Real want Kaka
2) Kaka would go to Real if Milan gave the OK
3) Milan would rather have a 3rd strip of black and blue stripes than say OK to Real
Incidentally, any big player, when he hears of a club's interest, says I am flattered. Of course, they don't normally go ahead and say, "if the two clubs agreed I would happily go along." Maybe that's just Kaka being honest. Remember Ronaldinho has been equally ambiguous: "I am a Barca player, but I will talk about my future once I come back... etc."
I think even if Kaka came back from vacation and said (God willing he won't say this) that I want to go to Real, Milan wouldn't sell him. That's just my opinion.
And it's not wishful thinking. Last summer, I was actually scared we would lose Kaka, as it represented the best chance for Real to get him (Calciopoli).
GilAttack [11]
20-06-2007, 11:17
Like it or not, its not up to Real Madrid or Milan, its up to Kaka. If Kaka tomorrow says that he would like to go to Spain and play for Real, Milan will accomodate his wishes. Its just like that.
Last summer, I was actually scared we would lose Kaka, as it represented the best chance for Real to get him (Calciopoli).
I think that was most of us - especially the way Sheva left.
Does he honestly think going to Real will improve his chance at silverware?
King tiger
20-06-2007, 11:28
']Like it or not, its not up to Real Madrid or Milan, its up to Kaka. If Kaka tomorrow says that he would like to go to Spain and play for Real, Milan will accomodate his wishes. Its just like that.
Galliani said last sumer that there will be no accomodating to unhappy players wishes.
so i doubt we will let him go even if he demands it.
Warro Bantan
20-06-2007, 11:33
']Like it or not, its not up to Real Madrid or Milan, its up to Kaka. If Kaka tomorrow says that he would like to go to Spain and play for Real, Milan will accomodate his wishes. Its just like that.
While I agree with the first part of your statement I beg to differ on the second...after losing $heva, I dont think we will let our "franchise" player go, just because he wants to leave...we will pay him to sit on the bench, force him to train separately, drop him from the squad, and ultimately, sell him if and when we feel other clubs do (eg Cassano and Real Madrid).
Kaka however, realises that though Milan is a club run by gentlemen, these very same gentlemen can be ruthless...and so because the guy is smart, and understands his worth to the team, he wont do anything stupid, and demand a least, thats what I think.
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 13:15
Well Milan have confronted AS about the picture. It appears to be a fake (
20/06/2007 18.09.00
L'A.C. Milan si rivolge ad 'As', dopo la foto pubblicata dal suo sito che ritrae Kakà con la copertina dello stesso giornale relativa alla vittoria del Real nella Liga: 'E' un evidente fotomontaggio'-LA LETTERA DEL MILAN-
Nel corso della giornata l'A.C. Milan ha valutato in ogni suo aspetto la strategia da adottare in risposta ad 'As' e alla foto pubblicata sul suo sito oggi, riportata qui sotto, che ritrae Kakà con la copertina dello stesso giornale relativa alla vittoria del Real Madrid nella Liga.
(foto tratta da
Il Milan ha deciso di inviare, in risposta, una lettera ad 'As'. Ne pubblichiamo una parte:
'Abbiamo rilevato sulla Vostra edizione odierna diffusa online la riproduzione di una fotografia che ritrae il nostro tesserato Kakà che mostra all'obiettivo il Vostro giornale, presumibilmente in un'edizione non anteriore al 18 giugno 2007.
L'immagine è tuttavia frutto di un evidente fotomontaggio, perchè quella fotografia fu scattata nel Centro Sportivo di Milanello a metà aprile 2007. Per conseguenza, Kakà non poteva esibire un giornale che sarebbe stato edito solo due mesi dopo.
Il fotomontaggio non è innocente: esso rientra infatti nel contesto maggiore delle ripetute molestie di cui il Real Madrid si rende da oltre un anno responsabile in danno dell'A.C. Milan quanto al calciatore Kakà.
L'alterazione di una fotografia di Kakà, altrimenti del tutto neutra, sembra rientrare in questa manouvre, diretta com'è a creare nei lettori l'erroneo convincimento che Kakà non aspetti altro che trasferirsi al Real Madrid. E questo non risponde a verità, come lo stesso calciatore, nonchè l'A.C. Milan, hanno ripetutamente e pUbblicamente dichiarato'.
I will say that AS and Marca are doing no favours for Real. What a travesty of a club; what a travesty of journalism. :ilol:
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 13:15
While I agree with the first part of your statement I beg to differ on the second...after losing $heva, I dont think we will let our "franchise" player go, just because he wants to leave...we will pay him to sit on the bench, force him to train separately, drop him from the squad, and ultimately, sell him if and when we feel other clubs do (eg Cassano and Real Madrid).
Kaka however, realises that though Milan is a club run by gentlemen, these very same gentlemen can be ruthless...and so because the guy is smart, and understands his worth to the team, he wont do anything stupid, and demand a least, thats what I think.
Fully agree.
"Kill" them all, honestly! Are there no bounderis in behaviour of those Spanish monkeys??!!! Send them fish to their home adress like in "the Godfather" and let them think about tommorow morning... Pathetic!
And what else is really! There is Eto'o statemand where he sqays he'll not leave Barca and he'll play with Henry! What kind of news is that for ACMILAN's site!?? Its so pathetic I cant even describe it. CArlo asked for certain players and Milan made a lot of money by winning CL, plus, we have like 150 mil probably to spand on mercato. But hey, isnt it nice to put some money in Berlusconi's amd Galliani's pocket!! Justifications like that make me sick, really....
Im not saying we will not buy any good players, as I cant know that, but if we dont, they Galliani, Berlusconi and Braida can go! Curva should let them know that right now! Its disrespectfull towards Carlo.
Inter got Chivu, nice,nice...
We do need some players, dont think we dont. A great midfielder and a LB. If we dont buy those we will once again loose the scudetto and that will be 4 years in a row...
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 13:41
"Kill" them all, honestly! Are there no bounderis in behaviour of those Spanish monkeys??!!! Send them fish to their home adress like in "the Godfather" and let them think about tommorow morning... Pathetic!
And what else is really! There is Eto'o statemand where he sqays he'll not leave Barca and he'll play with Henry! What kind of news is that for ACMILAN's site!?? Its so pathetic I cant even describe it. CArlo asked for certain players and Milan made a lot of money by winning CL, plus, we have like 150 mil probably to spand on mercato. But hey, isnt it nice to put some money in Berlusconi's amd Galliani's pocket!! Justifications like that make me sick, really....
Im not saying we will not buy any good players, as I cant know that, but if we dont, they Galliani, Berlusconi and Braida can go! Curva should let them know that right now! Its disrespectfull towards Carlo.
Inter got Chivu, nice,nice...
We do need some players, dont think we dont. A great midfielder and a LB. If we dont buy those we will once again loose the scudetto and that will be 4 years in a row...
I think Sheva will be back. We will get a midfielder and our mercato will close.
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 13:42
Roma: No Chivu-Inter talks
Wednesday 20 June, 2007
Rumours of a deal rocketed after David Pizarro’s transfer completion, but Roma have denied there are even negotiations for Cristian Chivu’s Inter switch.
The Romanian defender has been linked with the Nerazzurri for over a year and it was widely believed that the full ownership of Pizarro in an agreement struck last night would open the door for this exchange.
However, the Giallorossi have issued an official statement to silence this newspaper talk.
“Referring to what was written in the major newspapers regards to the possible transfer of Cristian Chivu, A.S. Roma S.p.A. inform that there are no negotiations for this player.
“The meetings with representatives of Inter were purely to resolve the ownership of David Marcelo Cortes Pizarro.
“Therefore the stories released in the media, including the financial terms contained therein, are to be considered untrue and without any foundation.”
This is unlikely to dissuade the Italian newspapers, however, who continue to suggest Chivu will join Inter over the summer.
:ilol: :ilol: :ilol:
As you say, with Sheva and midfielder, and obviously Oli and Gila going out, we'll be ok. but it needs to be a class midfielder. Do you people know, is Makelele free or what is the deal with him?
20-06-2007, 13:53
no, makelele isn't a free agent as he has 1 more year left on his current deal - the problem between him and Chelski, which makes him think of going to another club, is that the player wants a 2-year extension, while the club gives him only 1 and rightfully so, IMO, given his age of 34.
Aha...then ok. As I wouldnt pay for him but I thought he is a free player and that would be OK by any means as he is still a great player. Thanx Zlat.
What is the likeliness then of us getting Suazo?
Believe it or not I would prefer him over Eto, he is a cheaper alternative and Seria A proven. Plus anything to pi** off the Inter fans.
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 14:22
What is the likeliness then of us getting Suazo?
Believe it or not I would prefer him over Eto, he is a cheaper alternative and Seria A proven. Plus anything to pi** off the Inter fans.
I'd say 80%.
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 14:48
6/20/2007 7:32:00 PM
A.C. Milan have addressed the publication of a photo of Kakà in 'As' newspaper on the day after Real Madrid won the league in Spain and it is evidently a photomontage
A.C. Milan have been preparing a reply to the photo published in Spanish newspaper 'As' of Ricky Kakà with the cover of the paper after Real Madrid won the league.
(Photo from 'As')
Milan have decided to answer 'As' with a letter which we have published in part:
'We have found on your online edition of your newspaper a reproduction of a photograph that shows our player Kakà in your paper, presumably in an edition that is not June 18, 2007.
The image is however fruit of an obvious photomontage because the photograph was taken at the Milanello Sports Centre in the middle of April 2007. Consequently, Kakà could not exhibit a newspaper that would have been published only two months later.
The photomontage is not innocent: it re-enters, in fact, in the greater context of the repeated harassments of which Real Madrid have been involved in for over a year to damage A.C. Milan in relation to the player Kakà.
The alteration of a photograph of Kakà, which otherwise is a completely neutral one, seems to re-enter in this manoeuvre, directed to create in the readers the erroneous conviction that Kakà expects nothing other that to move to Real Madrid. And this does not answer to the truth, as not only the player but A.C. Milan have repeatedly declared in the publication.
20-06-2007, 14:48
What is the likeliness then of us getting Suazo?
Believe it or not I would prefer him over Eto, he is a cheaper alternative and Seria A proven. Plus anything to pi** off the Inter fans.
Very likely,unless he gets suspended...which probably will happen if FIGC decides to fine INter....suzao is guilty even more than INter in this case!!!
Suazo is a fine striker, ok... but we should be rational: Eto'o is better.
galliani was rational - suazo is CHEAPER :)
20-06-2007, 15:10
I doubt it was about money - Etoo doesn't seem to want to move and Barca doesn't wanna sell, there isn't much we can do about this unless we wanna become a second coming of C.F. White Circus.
GilAttack [11]
20-06-2007, 15:22
Galliani said last sumer that there will be no accomodating to unhappy players wishes.
so i doubt we will let him go even if he demands it.
So what do you expect him to say? It happens in every sport. What can you do if X player doesnt want to play for you? And Milan is also about $$$$, so they wouldnt hurt much unlike their fans.
Kaka will stay here as long as he wants. But if he wants to move, he will do so.
20-06-2007, 15:22
Can someone please tell why people talk about Kaka still wanting to maybe go to Madrid? I thought he said no, but its getting annoying when he takes pictures with the newspaper and says he liked Real Madrid growing up....
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 15:26
Can someone please tell why people talk about Kaka still wanting to maybe go to Madrid? I thought he said no, but its getting annoying when he takes pictures with the newspaper and says he liked Real Madrid growing up....
The picture is a fake. I posted the article saying so in this thread.
Graeme C
20-06-2007, 16:02
Its either the press are saying Inter are signing, or Inter are a bunch of gits..
Roma: No Chivu-Inter talks Wednesday 20 June, 2007
Rumours of a deal rocketed after David Pizarro’s transfer completion, but Roma have denied there are even negotiations for Cristian Chivu’s Inter switch.
The Romanian defender has been linked with the Nerazzurri for over a year and it was widely believed that the full ownership of Pizarro in an agreement struck last night would open the door for this exchange.
However, the Giallorossi have issued an official statement to silence this newspaper talk.
“Referring to what was written in the major newspapers regards to the possible transfer of Cristian Chivu, A.S. Roma S.p.A. inform that there are no negotiations for this player.
“The meetings with representatives of Inter were purely to resolve the ownership of David Marcelo Cortes Pizarro.
“Therefore the stories released in the media, including the financial terms contained therein, are to be considered untrue and without any foundation.”
This is unlikely to dissuade the Italian newspapers, however, who continue to suggest Chivu will join Inter over the summer
Analysing the situationwith the striker mercato I wouldbeliebve if Sheva would be back to Milanello...Moreover in thathe would welcome Sheva back just to proof that the old gurads have no objection to having Sheva back..This is a "soft clarification" toa news saying that Maldini, Gattuso, Seedorf and even Carletto do not want Sheva back to Milan....
So, just wait...Eventually the playes will come to Milan are Suazo (if he's not banned), Sheva,Emerson and hopefully Zambrotta.that wouldbe enough...
I think i read somewhere that Galliani sad that if we sign Suazo our transfer market will be closed for this year hope that's not true cuz we need other players too , but newspapers today are just ridiculuos "AS" making a photomonage of Kaka holding the paper with Madid players celebrating they trophy :stupid: , but Milan reacted on this one ..
Milan Slam Spanish Daily For Doctored Kaka Image
AC Milan have sent an official note to Spanish daily AS asking them to explain the doctored images of Kaka with their newspaper.
he paper carried the story for Real Madrid's title triumph, and the picture of Kaka posing with it was presented by AS along with fresh rumours linking him with Los Merengues.
Milan have taken exception, and written to the daily.
Says an open statement to AS: "We have found on the online edition of your newspaper, a reproduction of a photograph that shows our player Kakà with your paper, presumably in an edition that is not June 18, 2007.
The image is however fruit of an obvious photomontage, because the photograph was taken at the Milanello Sports Centre in the middle of April 2007. Consequently, Kakà could not exhibit a newspaper that would have been published only two months later.
"The photomontage is not innocent: it re-enters, in fact, in the greater context of the repeated harassments of which Real Madrid have been involved in for over a year to damage A.C. Milan in relation to the player Kakà.
"The alteration of a photograph of Kakà, which otherwise is a completely neutral one, seems to re-enter in this manoeuvre, directed to create in the readers the erroneous conviction that Kakà expects nothing other that to move to Real Madrid.
"And this does not answer to the truth, as not only the player but A.C. Milan have repeatedly declared in the publication."
Can some one help me out here, I want to know something:
IF Suazo HAS signed for Inter & his team were not notified I know FIGC will punish both the player and Inter however what will happen after that? Will he end up an Inter player? Or could his team refuse to let him go and send him our way?
Im just puzzled because everyone is talking about the punishment but im not sure what happens after the punishment, do Inter get to keep him or does Cagliari keep him.
Graeme C
20-06-2007, 17:56
I think i read somewhere that Galliani sad that if we sign Suazo our transfer market will be closed for this year hope that's not true cuz we need other players too , but newspapers today are just ridiculuos "AS" making a photomonage of Kaka holding the paper with Madid players celebrating they trophy :stupid: , but Milan reacted on this one ..
Milan Slam Spanish Daily For Doctored Kaka Image
AC Milan have sent an official note to Spanish daily AS asking them to explain the doctored images of Kaka with their newspaper.
he paper carried the story for Real Madrid's title triumph, and the picture of Kaka posing with it was presented by AS along with fresh rumours linking him with Los Merengues.
Milan have taken exception, and written to the daily.
Says an open statement to AS: "We have found on the online edition of your newspaper, a reproduction of a photograph that shows our player Kakà with your paper, presumably in an edition that is not June 18, 2007.
The image is however fruit of an obvious photomontage, because the photograph was taken at the Milanello Sports Centre in the middle of April 2007. Consequently, Kakà could not exhibit a newspaper that would have been published only two months later.
"The photomontage is not innocent: it re-enters, in fact, in the greater context of the repeated harassments of which Real Madrid have been involved in for over a year to damage A.C. Milan in relation to the player Kakà.
"The alteration of a photograph of Kakà, which otherwise is a completely neutral one, seems to re-enter in this manoeuvre, directed to create in the readers the erroneous conviction that Kakà expects nothing other that to move to Real Madrid.
"And this does not answer to the truth, as not only the player but A.C. Milan have repeatedly declared in the publication."
Milan should sue the newspaper for that, its just starting to become a joke..
20-06-2007, 18:19
roystone drenthe is such a talent an LB + CM he is only 19 so technical and skillfull nicknamed "the new davids" he is owned by feynord so 4-6 mil. will summ things up he could be our solution to subs problem and if we get also montolivo in exchange of gilardino + "naldo / albiol /pepe" and huntelaar we will be greaaaaaaaat
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 18:29
Can some one help me out here, I want to know something:
IF Suazo HAS signed for Inter & his team were not notified I know FIGC will punish both the player and Inter however what will happen after that? Will he end up an Inter player? Or could his team refuse to let him go and send him our way?
Im just puzzled because everyone is talking about the punishment but im not sure what happens after the punishment, do Inter get to keep him or does Cagliari keep him.
I think after his suspension he'd return to his original club because all transactions would be void.
In the end, Moratti and Suazo will decline they signed a contract to avoid punishment, and Suazo will come to Milan. They, hopefully( tacticaly speaking), milan will bring back Sheva the traitor and one DM. And that will be the end. I would loan out Gila, but NEVER sell him. He is like a timed goal-bomb, just waiting to be turned on.
Sheva-Ronaldo-Suazo-Pippo-Kaka' is fantastic. With one midfield addition we are super strong, but not without those 2.
In the end, Moratti and Suazo will decline they signed a contract to avoid punishment, and Suazo will come to Milan. They, hopefully( tacticaly speaking), milan will bring back Sheva the traitor and one DM. And that will be the end. I would loan out Gila, but NEVER sell him. He is like a timed goal-bomb, just waiting to be turned on.
Sheva-Ronaldo-Suazo-Pippo-Kaka' is fantastic. With one midfield addition we are super strong, but not without those 2.
I am totally agree with your thought as I have the very same with you.
IMHO, after Suazo (if he's not banned) then Milan would bring back Sheva and buy Emerson and hopefully Zambrotta too.
The clue for bring in Milan was in Gattuso's recent interview as could be read in sayong that Rino would welcome Sheva back to the team and stated that the "old guard" of Milan (recently was published that Maldini, Gattuso and Seedorf including Carletto the coach) still cannot accept the idea to bring back Sheva.
One thing that actually worry me is about the "Financial fraud" done by Inter in 2005-2006 in which Milan, Reggina and Sampdoria also being investigated for not long time ago.
This is the partial news in
Could Inter be demoted? Wednesday 20 June, 2007
Lawyers warn that Inter could be demoted to Serie B if the financial scandal is proved in the sporting courts!
“Financial fraud is a very serious crime, second only in the sporting justice system to sporting fraud,” he noted.
“The sanctions for directors go from a simple fine to up to five year suspensions with the possibility of a lifetime ban.
“For clubs the punishment can be either a fine, points penalties or even demotion. In the rules there is also the possibility of stripping the Scudetto, but that is up to the Federation President to decide.”
Although Inter are the newest additions to this investigation, Milan, Reggina and Sampdoria have already been named as part of the inquest.
Does anybody knowmore about this accusation and the risk that Milan is facing of??
I can't believe if again Milan be punished next season....what atragedy to our Milan!
Hasan Rossonero
20-06-2007, 20:56
I am totally agree with your thought as I have the very same with you.
IMHO, after Suazo (if he's not banned) then Milan would bring back Sheva and buy Emerson and hopefully Zambrotta too.
The clue for bring in Milan was in Gattuso's recent interview as could be read in sayong that Rino would welcome Sheva back to the team and stated that the "old guard" of Milan (recently was published that Maldini, Gattuso and Seedorf including Carletto the coach) still cannot accept the idea to bring back Sheva.
One thing that actually worry me is about the "Financial fraud" done by Inter in 2005-2006 in which Milan, Reggina and Sampdoria also being investigated for not long time ago.
This is the partial news in
Could Inter be demoted? Wednesday 20 June, 2007
Lawyers warn that Inter could be demoted to Serie B if the financial scandal is proved in the sporting courts!
“Financial fraud is a very serious crime, second only in the sporting justice system to sporting fraud,” he noted.
“The sanctions for directors go from a simple fine to up to five year suspensions with the possibility of a lifetime ban.
“For clubs the punishment can be either a fine, points penalties or even demotion. In the rules there is also the possibility of stripping the Scudetto, but that is up to the Federation President to decide.”
Although Inter are the newest additions to this investigation, Milan, Reggina and Sampdoria have already been named as part of the inquest.
Does anybody knowmore about this accusation and the risk that Milan is facing of??
I can't believe if again Milan be punished next season....what atragedy to our Milan!
In fact the interview said the opposite (unless I am misunderstanding what you're saying). Gattuso said, "I would like to see Shevchenko back to refute all that has been written that old guard do not want him back." He is saying that he would like Sheva back so the stories that claim the old guard doesn't want him back can be discredited or refuted as lies.
As for the rest of your post about Inter...there is a thread in the "Discussions" sections that discusses your questions and concerns.
21-06-2007, 01:12
roystone drenthe is such a talent an LB + CM he is only 19 so technical and skillfull nicknamed "the new davids" he is owned by feynord so 4-6 mil. will summ things up he could be our solution to subs problem and if we get also montolivo in exchange of gilardino + "naldo / albiol /pepe" and huntelaar we will be greaaaaaaaat
i totally agree about drenthe, he reminded me of a young seedorf!!! i think he wud b gr8. .... suazo , drenthe, adibal/zambrotta. and mayb a suprise in the form of ronaldinho. but i think drenthe wud fit in gr8
Emerson is AWFUL, I hope he won't join us.
21-06-2007, 02:25
kkk...i guess we gave up on eto'o and ronaldo is being persued by fenebehace?? wtf is going on
What strikes me is the reply AS gave to Ac Milan when Milan sent the letter:
AS immediately replied to Milan’s letter, stating the picture was taken on May 4 and was only meant to be Kaka’s way of wishing his Brazilian friends in Spain good luck for the title race.
“Milan’s reaction only proves the club’s nervousness as they fear that the player could join Real Madrid,” ended AS.
They are morons, Im sure any Italian newspaper wouldnt act like this if it was the other way around.
i totally agree about drenthe, he reminded me of a young seedorf!!! i think he wud b gr8. .... suazo , drenthe, adibal/zambrotta. and mayb a suprise in the form of ronaldinho. but i think drenthe wud fit in gr8
Real is after Drenthe !
We can all say goodbye to him now !
AS immediately replied to Milan’s letter, stating the picture was taken on May 4 and was only meant to be Kaka’s way of wishing his Brazilian friends in Spain good luck for the title race.
“Milan’s reaction only proves the club’s nervousness as they fear that the player could join Real Madrid,” ended AS.
This mistery can easily be solved.
All we have to do is to search "AS" archives and look for the date of the newspaper Kaka was holding.
If that newspaper was published after May 4 (and i think it was) , then we'll know who's liying
That is the most ridicolous response I've ever heard. So why doctor the picture to fake him celebrating their title? Is their good money in Spanish journalism? We could wipe out world unemployment, as it seems anyone, even with the lowest IQ could work there.
In other news : Grimi will probably be loaned to Sporting in Portugal !
Roma rejected Liverpool's bid for Mancini. Liverpool is now after Torres while West Ham
will try to get Saviola in case Tevez leaves.
Moratti said NO to Chivu, Eto'o and Quagliarella but he won't give up from Suazo
Barcelona will give it all for Chivu. Ronaldinho and Eto'o will stay "for sure" , while Deco will be the one who'll be put on the transfer list.
Porto bought some young Brasilian attacker, Edgar
Tiago is in Turin and the deal between Lyon-Tiago-Juve is expected to be closed today. Trezeguet may actually stay with Juve at the end. But things are complicating with Milito because Zaragoza is asking for 25m which is 5m more than what Juve can offer.
21-06-2007, 07:27
This mistery can easily be solved.
All we have to do is to search "AS" archives and look for the date of the newspaper Kaka was holding.
If that newspaper was published after May 4 (and i think it was) , then we'll know who's liying
the newspaper Kaka was holding had on it's first page a big photo of Real celebrating the title i.e. from 2-3 days ago ... no need to search in the archive.
That was the main point raised in Milan's response to them yesterday - that a 2-3 day old newspaper appeared in the hands of Kaka on a picture taken several months ago and at Milanello at that.
Deco can also be usefull to Milan.... just a thought.
On Juve - they bought SIX players untill now: Salihimidžić, Grygera, Tiago, Almiron, two Italian U-21 players ( cant remember the names ) and Iaquinta... Nice job by them.
Moratti can say goodbye to Suazo and better solve his books so he doesnt end up in serie B. and Galliani should also shut up and work hard on mercato to reinforce us the way our COACH ( the man in the club that should actually be the one who has some influence on mercato ) asked. :5ok:
TG24 is saying that Juve is also in for Quagliarella ( if that's the spellling ). Im not sure they will have all those forwards if Trez stays. In fact, im sure the Sampdoria man is not that good, Juve and Milan dont need him. If Milito goes to Madrid, maybe Canna will be back to the Old "lady".
In any case, I still hope Milan will make this mercato special and not like the last 2 or 3 summers.
21-06-2007, 07:31
Tiago is in Turin and the deal between Lyon-Tiago-Juve is expected to be closed today. Trezeguet may actually stay with Juve at the end. But things are complicating with Milito because Zaragoza is asking for 25m which is 5m more than what Juve can offer.
there will be atwist in the tiago deal. ;)
as for Milito, I am sure Juve can offer 25 mil but the question is if it would be worth it. For this type of money, Juve could try for both CHivu - Roma could still sell him to them for the right price - and Barzagli.
That would be an excellent CD pair, with serie A experience, without paying sinfully high amounts of money for superstars or overrated players.
as mrki reminded me, Cannavaro could also be a nice solution in CD if Chivu is out of reach ... a short-term one but still fine considering Juve will hae only serie A to play for this year.
Thuram anyone? :D
21-06-2007, 07:36
Deco can also be usefull to Milan.... just a thought.
true but Barca would let him go if the "right offer" arrives and that would be close to 20 mil ... not sure a 30 yo player is worth that much.
ManU was believed to had offered 20 mil for him but that was before they got Nani and Anderson, although I wouldn't exclude them going for him as they desperately need some experience in that team of theirs.
Inter are also very keen on Deco, at least that was the case when Figo was about to leave but he changed his mind ... they might still go for him though to try to restore some respect from their own fans after the Suazo and Chivu debacles.
And then we go for Chivu and Zambrotta......spectacular finish by mad Berlusconi!! :)
Hasan Rossonero
21-06-2007, 07:47
I think Moratti will try to account for the latest public humiliation with a raise for his players, starting with, of course, IL CHINO, ALVARO RECOBA!!! :ilol: :ilol:
Sorry, had to get that off my chest!
Deco would be useful, but I maintain that Sheva is coming back. We will get one DM and mercato will be closed.
In fact the interview said the opposite (unless I am misunderstanding what you're saying). Gattuso said, "I would like to see Shevchenko back to refute all that has been written that old guard do not want him back." He is saying that he would like Sheva back so the stories that claim the old guard doesn't want him back can be discredited or refuted as lies.
As for the rest of your post about Inter...there is a thread in the "Discussions" sections that discusses your questions and concerns.
That's what I meant on Gattuso's statement that he and his team mates, those he said as "Old Guards" including Carletto have no objection to having Shevaback to Milan. Sorry if I missed to write some words and confused you and other Milanisti.
Thanks for informing me about other thread to discuss about the Merda's situation etc.
Deco would be useful, but I maintain that Sheva is coming back. We will get one DM and mercato will be closed.
I think Deco would be a good addition to the squad but I cant see him joining our team, im not sure what makes you think Sheva will return - that is VERY highly unlikely.
I know Tribal is no good, but I have this feeling the following story is true about Chelsea getting Pato. They are willing to offer crazy money for an unproven player in Europe, however when you think about it didnt Jose say Chelsea wont spend crazy this summer?
21-06-2007, 08:46
Deco can also be usefull to Milan.... just a thought.
Deco is one of the most overrated players in the world he is very good, but spanish media trys to make him look like if he is the best and unfortunatly lots of people believed them,I wont feel happy if Milan signed Deco or Emerson, we have Gourkof so no need for pay sth a like 30M for Deco or 10m fo Emerson
21-06-2007, 09:54
Ozer Hurmacı !!!
21-06-2007, 10:10
Deco would be one of my dream signings to see him and Pirlo in the same midfield would be immense
21-06-2007, 10:18
Deco can also be usefull to Milan.... just a thought.
On Juve - they bought SIX players untill now: Salihimidžić, Grygera, Tiago, Almiron, two Italian U-21 players ( cant remember the names ) and Iaquinta... Nice job by them.
Moratti can say goodbye to Suazo and better solve his books so he doesnt end up in serie B. and Galliani should also shut up and work hard on mercato to reinforce us the way our COACH ( the man in the club that should actually be the one who has some influence on mercato ) asked. :5ok:
TG24 is saying that Juve is also in for Quagliarella ( if that's the spellling ). Im not sure they will have all those forwards if Trez stays. In fact, im sure the Sampdoria man is not that good, Juve and Milan dont need him. If Milito goes to Madrid, maybe Canna will be back to the Old "lady".
In any case, I still hope Milan will make this mercato special and not like the last 2 or 3 summers.
Juve has a bad ass board, they get the job done when it comes to signing players, I hope we have a loud summer as well. 3 players sounds good to me.. Forza Milan!!!!!
I read on that Inter is after Augerro :wallbang: If they do get him it would be terrible....he is almost as good as (better than IMHO) Messi if you consider that he hasn't been pampered by a rich european club since he was 12. The kid has it all and if Inter get him instead of Suazo I think we would be the losers in this whole debacle in you include the ban as well :p155:
shock horror. inert linked with an argie.
Deco would be one of my dream signings to see him and Pirlo in the same midfield would be immense
I never liked Deco...he is just a smaller slower version of Seedorf :irritate: I think he scored free-kicks a a bit more often....that's about it...why bother with such an expensive player when we have Gorcuff :bri: Diego on the other hand is worth getting as backup for either Seedorf Pirlo or Kaka :5ok:
Hey there Dru old pal
Where the x have you been lately ? :)
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