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Full Version: One thing I'll miss about Galliani
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is thisĀ Big Grin

Yes that! his love for Milan is undoubtedly unquestionable and it shows in his crazy celebration... wonder how Fassone is going to celebrate.

But I will also miss his foxy ways of getting the players he want, on a huge discount, even though lately he lost his sense of judgement!

Grazie Adriano... we will surely miss your presence at the games
Grazie Adriano. Great memories of seeing him in the stands and his Mr. X and transfer dealings, like Ace says remember how he brought Robinho and Ibra here as two examples of his negotiating expertise, more recently one could count the Romagnoli transfer too.
One thing I'll miss about Galliani? I'll give you two: his yellow tie and his frown during the match.
Wondering how Galliani was reacting after today's game. Proud Heart
Haha it's so cute. I really miss him too, he was awesome...!!