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I was wondering if anyone knows of a website that I can purchase a membership to watch Milan games (Serie A and CL hopefully together)? The free streaming sites don't work that great for me as the quality is pretty low and I'm frequently switching amongst them for a stable stream. The TV cable packages in the US aren't that great either as BEIN sports is our Serie A provider and they don't show as many Milan games anymore. Thanks in advance.
According to Wikipedia the broadcasting rights to the Serie A in the US are owned by beIN Sport and the Champions League to Fox. Assuming that is correct and they are the only broadcasters in the US, they are the only ones allowed to offer online streaming of the games. If they don't, you are unfortunately out of luck.

You could look abroad, but apart from being illegal it's also very unlikely to work since the broadcasters usually block foreign IP addresses.
Thanks gio. Reza mentioned that BeIN has an online site that lets us watch games there.

German ebay, selling a hand signed ac milan shirt.
I myself bought a handsigned shirt with COA yesterday for 46 euros, but it has much more autographs on it.Sagrin
Do tell Nelson ?
Ok guys, so I found on the Milan Page -- MilanTime ( Anyone have experience with this? How good of quality are the videos? It says you can watch matches after paying either a year long or monthly subscriptions (latter is about 34 euros).

I also found this ( which is a bit more expensive (100 euros).

Anyone have experience with either of these? Live games or are they shown after the match has played? Quality of stream? Can it be streamed on Mac?
Milan time used to be shitty don't know how it is now. Milan's online presence in general is pretty 2005.

I had a paid sub for Serie A for last season but often I discovered that many free streams were faster than mine. Sky however is pretty good.

I would suggest you give a shot to sopcast. I use it on my mac and it's pretty fantastic. It's free, it's HD and never drops out.
@somedevil -- have you watched any games recently on Milan time or just hte short videos. Yea the webage looks like it is a decade behind.

Yeah I use sopcast now. I think there were only 2 games last season that I had any difficulty finding a stream for. Most games I find a stream and it is ok. I just want something reliable and high quality. Paying money to Milan would be preferable (especially since it would be reasonable) if I were to buy something. Sky is kind of expensive and I would rather use Sopcast for now.
No mate not recently. I find our club site a pain in the ass. Much like our CEO.
I wouldn't pay to see Milan ALONE. If you're going to pay for an online service especially if you're talking over €30, you better be getting multiple leagues.

I think I'm crazy for paying $20 for beIN Sports but I get it on all my devices (phone, tablet, computer) and there are overflow channels so if Milan isn't being shown on the main one then I can see them on a different channel but always live. Then of course there's La Liga, Ligue 1, etc
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