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As theres not much to look forward to these days, lets look back and pick our favourite goals from the glories of old.

This is mine, Shevchenko at his best.
There are so many! I don't think I can come up with one, but this will be one of them. So much swag! Big Grin

I am sure that I will post more. Heart
I have a short memory, so not exactly "old"..

A pretty important goal in the road to glory in 2007

Can one forget Pirlo's strike vs Real Madrid in 2009?

and some goals from our recent matches vs Barca..
Savićević, 1994 champions league final. One of the best ever
This goal came to mind immediately (even though it's a game that I would rather not remember)

More recent ones, I really like this one:

(04-16-2015, 12:15 PM)maharaja Wrote: [ -> ]Savićević, 1994 champions league final. One of the best ever

yep, that's one of my all-time favorites too.

Since we are mentioning Il Genio, here's one of his greatest moments. Sorry guys, but his dribble was too good. Baggio is the scorer.