Ima predict Pavoletti in Tomas Rincon in Ezequiel Monoz in from Genoa Suso back Matri back ...possibly Vasquez Balotelli loan extension
Bacca sold Menez Sold SES sold Adriano Sold MexSex free'd 1 of Romagnoli Donnarumma Bonaventura sold mark it I bet Im close
The sales will prolly bring in 50 to 60m up to 80/90/100m if 1 of Donna Roma Bona are sold.That will cover a large chunk of the mammoth loss.Vasquez 15m Pavoletti 10m Rincon Munoz dirt cheap or loans
Bacca sold Menez Sold SES sold Adriano Sold MexSex free'd 1 of Romagnoli Donnarumma Bonaventura sold mark it I bet Im close
The sales will prolly bring in 50 to 60m up to 80/90/100m if 1 of Donna Roma Bona are sold.That will cover a large chunk of the mammoth loss.Vasquez 15m Pavoletti 10m Rincon Munoz dirt cheap or loans