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View Poll Results: What will you do if MM changes, as described in this thread
I will stay on MM no matter what 42 84.00%
I will stay on MM only if the new format carries over my registration, posts, etc. 6 12.00%
I am gone if anything changes 1 2.00%
Other, please post 1 2.00%
Voters: 50. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 23-01-2011, 12:29   #76
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Thanks, PM sent.
aka rezag
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Old 29-01-2011, 01:01   #77
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Reza is a jewel in the roughReza is a jewel in the roughReza is a jewel in the rough
I will post again closer to the time it's may happen next week or may be the week after

When we change to the new forum the site will be unavailable to you for anything from an hour to 24 hours or (in some hopefully very rare cases) more. Some of it is due to the change of forum and the set up that I need to finish but it is also partly out of my hands and will depend on your internet provider.

I will post here again, post a note on the top of forum pages here and if necessary also do updates on

The milanmania facebook group

milanmania on twitter!/milanmania

(you don't need to sign up to read twitter or facebook)
aka rezag
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Old 03-02-2011, 13:43   #78
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I am looking for at least 10 people to put new pages to a 'load' test at the same time. Since it needs to be at the same time I am thinking may be I can ask in the chat (during the game at half time?) on Sunday.
What needs to be done is 10 or more people click on a few links at same time and see if the pages load for them or not. I need to look how it can withstand traffic.
aka rezag
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Old 03-02-2011, 13:53   #79
Join Date: 03 2002
Jeff is on a distinguished road
Good idea, reza. If I'm in the chatroom, I'll help out.
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Old 08-02-2011, 10:57   #80
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Reza is a jewel in the roughReza is a jewel in the roughReza is a jewel in the rough
Some time soon (may be 12, 24 or 36 hours from the time of this post) I will do some work on the site so it will unavailable for hopefully a short time.
Depending on how it goes AND your internet provider it could be a very few hours or more.

I am also adding a notice on top of the forum pages.

Thanks for your understanding, hopefully we can do as well or even better in the coming months and years.
aka rezag
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